AS/NZS 4361.1:2017

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Guide to hazardous paint management, Part 1: Lead and other hazardous metallic pigments in industrial applications

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Provides guidance on the management of lead-based paints and other hazardous paints (e.g. paints containing chromate-based material, arsenic compounds or cadmium compounds) used on industrial steel structures.


About this publication



1 Scope

2 Application

3 Referenced documents

4 Definitions

5 Small projects

6 Decision path

6.1 General

6.2 Steps in the decision path

7 Step 1: Identifying hazardous metallic pigment

8 Step 2: Determining the total mass of hazardous paint

9 Step 3: Risk assessment

10 Step 4: Maintenance painting strategy

10.1 Painting strategy alternatives

10.2 Paint condition assessment

10.3 Other factors

10.4 Reassessment

11 Step 5: Paint removal/surface preparation methodology

11.1 Paint removal

11.2 Dust emission potential

12 Step 6: Access/containment systems

12.1 Components

12.2 Reassessment of strategy

13 Step 7: Emissions monitoring

13.1 General

13.2 Criteria for monitoring

13.3 Monitoring requirements

13.4 Review of monitoring requirements

14 Step 8: Worker protection requirements

15 Step 9: Waste management

16 Step 10: Project clearance

17 Step 11: Project cost estimates

18 Step 12: Project specific specification

19 Step 13: Hazardous paint compliance plan

20 Step 14: Project implementation

21 Step 15: Compliance report

Appendix A

A1 Scope

A2 Site sampling strategy

A3 Interpretation of results

A4 Field sampling and laboratory testing

A4.1 General

A4.2 Analysing for zinc chromate

A4.3 Materials and equipment

A4.4 Procedure

A4.5 Documentation

A4.6 Report

A5 Portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF)

A5.1 Principle

A5.2 Equipment

A5.3 Procedure

A5.4 Report

Appendix B

B1 Scope

B2 General

B3 Risk assessment process

B3.1 General

B3.2 Source/release assessment

B3.3 Exposure assessment

B3.4 Dose-response assessment

B3.5 Risk characterization

B4 Performing the simplified risk assessment

B5 Public health risk assessment

B5.1 Scope

B5.2 Principle

B5.3 Materials and equipment

B5.4 Assessment procedures

B5.4.1 Proximity indicators

B5.4.2 Frequency indicators

B5.4.3 Risk to public

B6 Assessment of health risk to adjacent workers

B6.1 Scope

B6.2 Principle

B6.3 Materials and equipment

B6.4 Assessment procedure

B6.4.1 Proximity indicators

B6.4.2 Frequency indicators

B6.4.3 Risk to adjacent workers

B7 Environmental risk assessment

B7.1 Scope

B7.2 Principle

B7.3 Assessment procedure

B8 Project risk assessment rating

B9 Records

Appendix C

C1 Scope

C2 General

C3 Materials and equipment

C4 Sampling plan

C5 Visual paint assessment

C5.1 Paint integrity

C5.2 Corrosion

C5.2.1 Type of corrosion

C5.2.2 Extent of corrosion

C6 Paint testing

C6.1 Paint type

C6.2 Paint thickness testing

C6.3 Adhesion/cohesion testing

C6.3.1 Need for testing

C6.3.2 Timing of adhesion testing

C6.3.3 Number of tests

C6.3.4 Testing procedures

C6.3.5 Identification of fracture zone

C6.3.6 Report

C6.4 Under-film substrate condition

C7 Interpretation of results

C7.1 Indicative results

C7.2 Paint type

C7.3 Paint integrity

C7.4 Paint adhesion

C7.5 Paint thickness

C7.6 Corrosion

C7.7 Substrate condition

C8 Test patches

C9 Reporting

Appendix D

D1 Scope

D2 Risk management

D3 Paint removal methods

D3.1 General

D3.2 Magnetic induction

D3.3 Chemical stripping

D3.4 Sodium bicarbonate blast cleaning

D3.5 High pressure water jetting without abrasive injection

D3.6 Ultra high pressure water jetting without abrasive injection

D3.7 Vacuum-shrouded water jetting

D3.8 Cryogenic blast medium

D4 Combined paint removal/surface preparation

D4.1 General

D4.2 Hand tool cleaning

D4.3 Power tool cleaning

D4.4 Power tool cleaning with vacuum shroud

D4.5 Vacuum blast cleaning

D4.6 Closed centrifugal wheel cleaning

D4.7 Wet abrasive blast cleaning or abrasive water jetting

D4.7.1 Water jetting (high and ultra-high pressure) with abrasive injection

D4.7.2 Wet abrasive blast cleaning with expendable abrasives

D4.8 Dry abrasive blast cleaning

D4.8.1 Dry blast cleaning with expendable abrasives

D4.8.2 Dry blast cleaning with recyclable abrasives

D4.8.3 Blast cleaning with re-usable sponge abrasive

D5 Durability of maintenance painting

D6 Dust/mist emission potential

Appendix E

E1 Scope

E2 General

E3 Containment system components

E3.1 Description

E3.2 Containment material rigidity

E3.2.1 General

E3.2.2 Rigid containment materials

E3.2.3 Flexible materials

E3.3 Containment material permeability/resistance

E3.3.1 General

E3.3.2 Air impermeable materials

E3.3.3 Air permeable materials

E3.3.4 Water impermeable materials

E3.3.5 Chemical/solvent resistant materials

E3.4 Support structure

E3.4.1 General

E3.4.2 Rigid support structures

E3.4.3 Flexible support structures

E3.5 Containment enclosure joints

E3.5.1 General

E3.5.2 Fully sealed joints

E3.5.3 Partially sealed joints

E3.6 Containment entryways

E3.6.1 General

E3.6.2 Airlock entryway

E3.6.3 Resealable door entryway

E3.6.4 Overlapping door tarpaulin entryway

E4 Ventilation system components

E4.1 Purpose

E4.2 Natural ventilation system

E4.3 Mechanical ventilation system

E4.4 Exhaust air filtration

E5 Methods of collecting debris

E5.1 Handling

E5.2 Collection

E5.3 Gravity collection

E6 Designing a containment system

E7 Visible emissions assessment

E7.1 General

E7.2 Principle

E7.3 Materials and equipment

E7.4 Procedure

E7.5 Interpretation of results

E7.6 Reporting/record keeping

E8 Containment criteria table

E9 Containment cleaning/clearance prior to relocation

E9.1 Cleaning procedures prior to moving (but not dismantling) containment

E9.2 Clearance criteria

Appendix F

F1 Scope

F2 General

F3 Monitoring plan

F3.1 Air monitoring plan

F3.2 Reporting

F4 Ambient air (TSP) monitoring

F4.1 Principle

F4.2 Procedure

F4.3 Plant and equipment

F4.4 Monitor location

F4.4.1 General

F4.4.2 Downwind monitoring zone

F4.4.3 Monitor number and location

F4.4.4 Background monitoring

F4.4.5 Operation of equipment

F4.5 Interpretation of results

F4.6 Reporting/record keeping

F5 Surface dust sampling

F5.1 Scope

F5.2 Materials and equipment

F5.3 Selection of sampling locations

F5.4 Sampling procedure

F5.5 Interpretation of results

F5.6 Record keeping

F6 Mist fall-out monitoring

F6.1 Scope

F6.2 Principle

F6.3 Equipment

F6.4 Sampling plan

F6.4.1 Sampling location

F6.4.2 Frequency and duration of monitoring

F6.5 Sampling procedure

F6.6 Interpretation of results

F6.7 Record keeping

Appendix G

G1 Scope

G2 Background

G3 Materials and equipment

G4 Sample location selection

G4.1 General

G4.2 Unique land usage

G4.3 Sampling locations

G5 Sample collection

G6 Frequency of sampling

G7 Visual assessment

G8 Laboratory analysis

G9 Interpretation of results

G9.1 Visual assessment

G9.2 Laboratory assessment

G10 Record keeping

Appendix H

H1 Scope

H2 General

H3 Frequency of sampling

H4 Materials and equipment

H5 Number of samples

H5.1 Sampling

H5.2 Sensitive receptors

H5.3 Variable flow water courses

H6 Sample collection procedure

H6.1 Pre-cleaning and stabilizing containers for water samples

H6.2 Collection of water samples

H6.3 Precleaning and collection of underwater sediment samples

H7 Laboratory analysis

H8 Interpretation of results

H8.1 Visual assessment

H8.2 Laboratory assessment

H9 Record keeping

Appendix I

I1 Scope

I2 Workplace exposures

I3 Workplace exposure assessment

I3.1 Description

I3.2 Materials and equipment

I3.3 Procedure

I3.4 Laboratory analysis

I3.5 Reporting/record keeping

I3.6 Initial monitoring

I3.7 Available data

I3.8 Scope of monitoring

I3.9 Monitoring objectives

I3.10 Increased monitoring

I3.11 Advice to workers

I3.12 Interim protective measures

I4 Requirements for worker protection

I5 Regulated area

I5.1 Purpose

I5.2 Method of establishing regulated areas

I6 Hazardous paint compliance plan

I7 Responsible person

I8 Respiratory protection

I9 Protective clothing and equipment

I10 Housekeeping

I11 Hygiene facilities

I12 Medical surveillance

I13 Worker information and training

I14 Signs

I15 Record keeping

Appendix J

J1 Scope

J2 Background information

J3 Project planning

J3.1 Classification of waste

J3.2 Quantity of waste

J4 Responsibilities

J4.1 Owner’s responsibilities

J4.2 Contractor’s responsibilities

J5 On-site waste management

J5.1 General

J5.2 Waste collection

J5.3 Waste labels

J5.4 Waste containers

J5.5 Site waste storage requirements

J5.6 Transport to site storage facility

J5.7 Training and contingency plan

J5.7.1 General

J5.7.2 Contingency plan

J5.7.3 Worker training

J5.7.4 Emergency services

J5.8 Manifests

J6 Waste sampling, classification and analysis

J6.1 Sampling plan

J6.2 Number of samples

J6.3 Sampling procedures

J6.4 Sample shipping and documentation

J6.5 Waste assessment

J7 Hazardous waste disposal

J7.1 General

J7.2 Waste transportation and disposal

J7.2.1 Disposal options

J7.2.2 Waste carriers

J8 Waste reduction

J9 Disposing of non-hazardous waste

J10 Wastewater management

J11 Disposal of consumable supplies

Appendix K

K1 Scope

K2 General

K3 Containment cleaning/clearance prior to dismantling

K3.1 Pre-cleaning

K3.2 Acceptance criteria

K4 Cleaning and testing of equipment and adjacent facility structures

K4.1 Scope

K4.2 Cleaning procedures

K4.3 Clearance criteria

K5 Cleaning and clearance of consumable re-usable supplies and materials

K5.1 Cleaning of consumable materials

K5.2 Cleaning of re-usable materials

K5.3 Cleaning of ductwork

K5.4 Cleaning of air-handling equipment filters

K6 Post-project sampling and testing

K6.1 General

K6.2 Dust monitoring

K6.3 Soil samples

K6.4 Water/sediment

K7 Completion of work

K8 Reporting

Appendix L

L1 Scope

L2 Principle

L3 Design phase

L4 Hazardous paint compliance plan

L5 Project start-up

L5.1 General

L5.2 Records

L6 During project

L6.1 General

L7 Clearance and completion

L8 Compliance report