AS/NZS 2885.1:2018

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Pipelines — Gas and liquid petroleum, Part 1: Design and construction

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This Standard specifies requirements for design and construction of onshore carbon and carbon-manganese steel PIPELINE SYSTEMS that are used to transport single-phase and multi-phase hydrocarbon fluids, such as natural and manufactured gas, liquefied petroleum gas, natural gasoline, crude oil, natural gas liquids and liquid petroleum products.


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1 Scope and general

1.1 Scope

1.2 Approval

1.3 Application

1.4 Normative references

1.5 Retrospective application

1.6 Definitions

1.7 Symbols and units

1.8 Abbreviations

2 Safety and environment

2.1 Basis of Section

2.2 Pipeline system safety

2.3 Electrical

2.4 Construction and commissioning

2.4.1 Construction safety

2.4.2 Testing safety

2.4.3 Commissioning safety

2.5 Environmental management

3 Pipeline materials

3.1 Basis of Section

3.2 Qualification of materials

3.2.1 General

3.2.2 Materials conforming with nominated Standards

3.2.3 Materials conforming with Standards not nominated in this Standard

3.2.4 Components for which no standard exists

3.2.5 Reclaimed pipe

3.2.6 Reclaimed components

3.2.7 Pressure test

3.3 Identification of materials

3.4 Additional requirements for components to be welded

3.5 Additional mechanical property requirements

3.5.1 Yield strength

3.5.2 Pipe yield to tensile ratio

3.5.3 Strength de-rating

3.5.4 Fracture toughness

3.5.5 Tensile data for Type 2 and Type 3 strength tests

3.6 Requirements for temperature affected items

3.6.1 General

3.6.2 Items heated subsequent to manufacture

3.6.3 Pipe operated at elevated temperatures

3.6.4 Pipe exposed to cryogenic temperatures

3.7 Materials traceability and records

4 Pipeline system design

4.1 Basis of Section

4.2 System design

4.2.1 Design basis

4.2.2 Maximum velocity

4.2.3 Design for in-line inspection

4.3 Pressures

4.3.1 Pressure design Internal pressure External pressure

4.3.2 Hydraulic design Steady state conditions Transient conditions

4.3.3 Maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP)

4.3.4 Minimum strength test pressure

4.4 Design temperatures

4.5 Low temperature excursions

4.6 Design life

4.7 Route

4.7.1 General

4.7.2 Land use investigation

4.7.3 Route selection

4.7.4 Route identification and communication

4.8 Isolation

4.8.1 General

4.8.2 Isolation plan

4.8.3 Isolation valves

4.9 Provisions for high consequence areas

4.9.1 General

4.9.2 No rupture

4.9.3 Maximum energy release rate

4.10 Pipeline marking

4.10.1 General

4.10.2 Sign location

4.10.3 Sign design

5 Pipeline design

5.1 Basis of Section

5.2 Wall thickness

5.2.1 General

5.2.2 Nominal wall thickness (tN)

5.2.3 Required wall thickness (tW)

5.2.4 Wall thickness for design internal pressure (tP)

5.2.5 Wall thickness for design internal pressure of bends

5.2.6 Wall thickness design for external pressure

5.2.7 Allowances (G)

5.2.8 Pipe manufacturing tolerance (H)

5.2.9 Wall thickness summary

5.3 Fracture control

5.3.1 General

5.3.2 Fracture control plan

5.3.3 Minimum fracture toughness Mainline pipe body toughness Pipeline assemblies and components Weld seam toughness

5.3.4 Special fracture control plan cases Prequalified design Pipelines carrying stable liquids Pipelines with low operating stress Pipelines where propagating fracture is controlled by means other than material toughness

5.3.5 Brittle fracture control

5.3.6 Tearing fracture control Calculation of required tearing fracture arrest toughness Calculation of required tearing fracture arrest toughness—Lean gas Testing of tearing fracture resistance Tearing fracture test temperature Tearing fracture toughness specification for mainline pipe purchase

5.3.7 Fracture control—Pipe materials other than butt-welded steel

5.3.8 Alternative fracture control methods

5.4 External interference protection

5.4.1 General

5.4.2 Depth of cover

5.4.3 Depth of cover—Rock trench

5.4.4 Design for protection—General requirements

5.4.5 Physical controls

5.4.6 Procedural controls

5.4.7 Other protection

5.5 Damage resistance

5.5.1 General

5.5.2 Penetration resistance requirements

5.5.3 Calculation of resistance to penetration

5.5.4 Critical defect length

5.6 Prequalified pipeline design

5.6.1 General

5.6.2 Minimum requirements

5.6.3 Prequalified design coverage

5.6.4 Prequalified design does not apply

5.6.5 Prequalified design not permitted

5.6.6 Prequalified design special cases

5.7 Stress and strain

5.7.1 General

5.7.2 Applied loads General Load categories Load types Restraint types Load sources

5.7.3 Stress due to normal loads Pipe stress analysis External load stress analysis

5.7.4 Stresses due to occasional loads

5.7.5 Stresses due to construction Installation loads Pressure testing

5.7.6 Fatigue

5.7.7 Summary of stress limits

5.7.8 Plastic strain and limit state design methodologies

5.8 Special construction

5.8.1 General

5.8.2 Above-ground piping

5.8.3 Pipeline with reduced cover or above-ground

5.8.4 Tunnels and shafts

5.8.5 Trenchless crossings

5.8.6 Submerged crossings General Design

5.8.7 Pipeline attached to a bridge

5.8.8 Road and railway reserves

5.8.9 Land instability and seismic design

5.9 Pipeline assemblies

5.9.1 General

5.9.2 Scraper assemblies

5.9.3 Mainline valve assemblies

5.9.4 Isolating valve assemblies

5.9.5 Pipe separator assemblies

5.9.6 Branch connection assemblies

5.9.7 Attachment of pads, lugs and other welded connections

5.10 Jointing

5.10.1 General

5.10.2 Welded joints

5.10.3 Flanged joints

5.10.4 Threaded fittings

5.10.5 Other types

5.11 Supports and anchors

5.11.1 General

5.11.2 Settlement, scour, and erosion

5.11.3 Design

5.11.4 Forces on an above-ground pipeline

5.11.5 Attachment of anchors, supports and clamps

5.11.6 Restraint due to soil friction

5.11.7 Anchorage at a connection

5.11.8 Support of branch connections

5.12 Design for pressure testing

5.12.1 General

5.12.2 Pressure test design requirements General Preliminary pressure test design Final pressure test design and conformance

5.12.3 Strength test types

5.12.4 Material data requirements for each test type

5.12.5 Design requirements for each strength test type Type 1 test Type 2 test Type 3 test

5.12.6 Pressure test section design

5.12.7 Special pressure test design considerations Test headers Preliminary tests and pretested pipe Above-ground pipe sections Pressure testing of assemblies

6 Station design

6.1 Basis of Section

6.2 Design

6.2.1 Location

6.2.2 Layout

6.2.3 Other considerations

6.2.4 Safety Hazardous areas Personnel protection Fire protection Earthing/lightning Lighting Fencing and exits Venting Shutdown system Marking

6.3 Station piping

6.3.1 Design standard

6.3.2 Pipework subject to vibration

6.4 Station equipment

6.4.1 General

6.4.2 Pressure vessels

6.4.3 Proprietary equipment

6.4.4 Equipment isolation

6.4.5 Station valves

6.5 Structures

6.5.1 General

6.5.2 Buildings

6.5.3 Below-ground structures

6.5.4 Corrosion protection

6.5.5 Electrical installations

6.5.6 Drainage General Process liquids Rainfall runoff Oily water Sewage Equipment below-ground

7 Instrumentation and control design

7.1 Basis of Section

7.2 Control and management of pipeline system

7.2.1 Pipeline pressure control General MAOP under steady state conditions Pressure control system performance Shut-in conditions Safety

7.2.2 Separation of pipeline sections with different MAOP

7.2.3 Temperature control

7.2.4 Pipeline facility control

7.3 Fluid property limits

7.4 Supervisory control and data acquisition system (SCADA)

7.5 Communication

7.6 Control facilities

8 Mitigation of corrosion

8.1 Basis of Section

8.1.1 General

8.1.2 Materials applicability

8.2 Personnel

8.3 Assessment of corrosion mechanisms

8.3.1 General

8.3.2 Internal corrosion Gas pipelines Liquid hydrocarbon pipelines

8.3.3 External corrosion General Alternating current (AC) corrosion Above-ground corrosion

8.3.4 Environmentally assisted cracking

8.3.5 Microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC)

8.4 Corrosion mitigation methods

8.4.1 General

8.4.2 Corrosion mitigation methods

8.5 Internal corrosion mitigation

8.5.1 General

8.5.2 Internal anti-corrosion lining

8.5.3 Corrosion inhibitors and biocides

8.6 External corrosion mitigation

8.6.1 General

8.6.2 External anti-corrosion coating General Coating selection and specification Joint and repair coatings

8.6.3 Cathodic protection Cathodic protection system requirements Pipeline system design for cathodic protection

8.7 Corrosion allowance

8.7.1 General

8.7.2 Internal corrosion allowance

8.7.3 External corrosion allowance

8.8 Corrosion monitoring design

9 Upgrade of maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP)

9.1 Basis of Section

9.2 MAOP upgrade process

9.2.1 Process stages

9.2.2 Upgrade design basis

9.2.3 Data collection

9.2.4 Engineering analysis

9.2.5 Safety management study

9.2.6 Rectification

9.2.7 Revised MAOP

9.2.8 Approval

9.2.9 Commissioning and testing

9.2.10 Records

10 Construction

10.1 Basis of Section

10.2 Pre-construction safety management study

10.3 Construction

10.4 Location record

10.4.1 General

10.4.2 Pre-works survey

10.4.3 As-built survey

10.4.4 Trenchless construction survey

10.5 Pipe and materials—Haulage and stringing

10.5.1 General

10.5.2 Pipe transport

10.5.3 Construction loads

10.5.4 Stringing of pipe on right-of-way

10.6 Clear and grade

10.7 Changes in direction (bends)

10.7.1 Accepted methods for changes in direction

10.7.2 Internal access

10.7.3 Changing direction at a butt weld

10.7.4 Bend fabricated from a forged bend or an elbow

10.7.5 Roped bends

10.7.6 Induction bends

10.7.7 Cold-field bends General Qualification of cold-field bending procedure Acceptance limits for cold-field bends

10.8 Trench excavation

10.8.1 Separation of topsoil

10.8.2 Dimensions of trenches

10.8.3 Bottoms of trenches

10.8.4 Scour prevention

10.9 Joining of pipe and welding to line pipe

10.9.1 Welded joints

10.9.2 Flanged joints

10.9.3 Attachment of electrical conductors

10.10 Joint coating

10.11 Lower-in and backfill

10.11.1 General

10.11.2 Pipe installation requirements

10.11.3 Specifications and procedures for installation

10.12 Special construction

10.12.1 Underground structures

10.12.2 Casings, culverts, tunnels and slabs

10.12.3 Submerged crossings

10.12.4 Trenchless installations

10.12.5 Construction at stations

10.12.6 Electrical equipment installed in hazardous areas

10.12.7 System controls

10.13 Reinstatement

10.14 Preparation for pressure testing and handover

10.14.1 Cleaning and gauging pipelines

10.14.2 As-builts and recordkeeping

10.14.3 Cathodic protection system

11 Inspections and testing

11.1 Basis of Section

11.2 Personnel

11.3 Inspection and test plans and procedures

11.4 Construction inspection and assessment

11.4.1 General

11.4.2 Coating inspection

11.4.3 Ovality

11.4.4 Buckles

11.4.5 Dents

11.4.6 Gouges, grooves and notches

11.4.7 Laminations and notches

11.5 Repair of pipe defects

11.6 Coating integrity testing

11.7 Field pressure testing

11.7.1 Application

11.7.2 Exemptions from a field pressure test

11.7.3 Preliminary test

11.7.4 Test procedure

11.7.5 Strength test pressures

11.7.6 Testing with air or gas General Safety Limitation

11.7.7 Pressure test acceptance criteria

11.8 Commencement of patrolling

12 Commissioning

12.1 Basis of Section

12.2 General

12.3 Planning

12.3.1 General

12.3.2 Activities requiring special consideration General Integrity management Emergency response Impact on the environment

12.4 Design and construction records

12.5 Training

12.6 Safety tag system

12.7 Pre-commisisoning

12.7.1 General

12.7.2 Documentation and handover for commissioning

12.7.3 Design and construction errors—Management and as-building documentation

12.7.4 Cleaning and continuity testing

12.7.5 Equipment pre-commissioning

12.7.6 Control system testing

12.7.7 Pre-commissioning of safety critical devices

12.7.8 Pre-commissioning of SCADA

12.8 Commissioning and testing

12.8.1 General

12.8.2 Pipeline purge and pressurization (gas pipelines)

12.8.3 Filling a liquid petroleum pipeline

12.8.4 Filling a high vapour pressure liquid (HVPL) pipeline General Single component HVPL Multi-component HVPL

12.8.5 Commissioning pressure control and metering equipment

12.8.6 Commissioning SCADA equipment

12.8.7 Commissioning cathodic protection systems

12.9 Performance test

12.10 Handover

12.11 Delayed commencement of operation

13 Documentation

13.1 General

13.2 Records

Appendix A

A1 Applicability

A2 Method for determining tensile properties

Appendix B

B1 Background

B2 Economic and risk considerations

B3 Strength and weldability

B4 Pipeline loads

B5 Pipe coating

B6 Field bending

B7 Induction bending

B8 Pressure testing

B8.1 General

B8.2 Strength data risk

B8.3 Mechanical test information required for field pressure strength testing

B8.3.1 Type 2 field pressure strength test requirements

B8.3.2 Type 3 field pressure strength test requirements

Appendix C

C1 General

C2 The basis of fracture control

C3 Factors affecting brittle and tearing ductile fracture

C3.1 General

C3.2 Fluid parameters

C3.3 Operating parameters

C3.3.1 Introduction

C3.3.2 Brittle fracture

C3.3.3 Ductile tearing

C3.3.4 Temperature

C3.3.5 Limitations on testing

C3.4 Diameter limits

C3.5 Calculation of Charpy energy requirements for the arrest of ductile tearing fracture

C4 Guidance on test temperature specification

C5 Other considerations

C5.1 Smaller diameter—High pressure pipe

C5.2 Decompression behaviour and rich and multi-phase gases

C6 References

Appendix D

D1 Scope

D2 Sampling

D3 Fracture appearance testing for control of brittle fracture

D3.1 General

D3.2 Test specimens

D3.3 Test temperature

D3.4 Criteria of acceptance

D4 Energy absorption testing for control of low energy tearing ductile fracture

D4.1 General

D4.2 Test specimens

D4.3 Test temperature

D4.4 Adjustment for specimen thickness

Appendix E

E1 General

E2 Application

E2.1 Uncertainty

E2.2 New knowledge

E2.3 New pipelines

E2.4 Existing pipelines

E3 Calculations

E4 Threat investigation and tooth types

E5 Tooth and hole dimensions

E6 Tool force

E7 Factor B

E8 Australian field trials

E9 Worked example

E9.1 Calculations

E9.2 Interpretation

E9.3 Application to new pipelines

E9.4 Application to existing pipeline

E9.4.1 General

E9.4.2 Energy release assessment

E9.4.3 Rupture assessment

Appendix F

F1 General

F2 Terminology

F2.1 Variables

F2.2 Modifiers

F3 Stress from forces and moments

F4 Stress due to pressure

F4.1 General

F4.2 Hoop stress

F4.3 Radial stress

F4.4 Longitudinal stress

F4.4.1 General

F4.4.2 Restrained and unrestrained pipe solutions

F4.4.3 Partially restrained pipe

F4.5 Other pressure effects

F5 Stress due to temperature

F6 Combined stress

F6.1 Equivalent stress

F6.2 Expansion stress

Appendix G

G1 General

G2 API RP 1102

G3 Load situations

G4 Vehicle loads

G5 Equivalent API RP 1102 loads

G6 Other design methods

Appendix H

H1 General

H2 Example 1: Fully-restrained pipe operating envelope

H3 Example 2: End of line forces

Appendix I

I1 General

I2 Failure modes and criteria

I3 Hoop stress

I4 Longitudinal stress

I4.1 Unrestrained pipe

I4.2 Restrained pipe

I4.3 Partially-restrained pipe

I5 Use of stress analysis software

Appendix J

J1 General

J2 Pressure cycle fatigue

J2.1 General

J2.2 Materials

J2.3 Definition of fatigue life

J2.4 Design

J2.4.1 Simplified screening criteria

J2.4.2 Detailed fracture life assessment using fracture mechanics approach

J2.5 Definition of stress cycles

J2.6 Revalidation

J3 Acoustically and flow induced vibration

Appendix K

K1 Land instability design—Introdction

K2 Seismic fault displacement

K3 Seismic wave propagation

K4 Ground shaking and above ground facilities

K5 Differential ground movement

K5.1 Differential ground movement threat identification

K5.2 Differential ground movement threat mitigation

K5.3 Differential ground movement form

K6 Further pipeline considerations in areas of geotechnical concerns

K6.1 Pipeline load condition

K6.2 Pipeline flexibility, un-anchored length and restraint

K6.3 Pipeline material strength, elongation and yield to tensile ratio

K6.4 Girth weld strength

K6.5 Pipeline leak detection and isolation facilities

K6.6 Coating selection

K6.7 Pipeline as-built survey

K6.8 Local pipeline monitoring

Appendix L

L1 Scope

L2 Reinforcement of single welded branch connections

L3 Reinforcement of multiple openings

L3.1 Overlapping of effective reinforcement areas

L3.2 Minimum distance between adjacent openings

L3.3 Closely spaced openings

L4 Extruded outlet

Appendix M

M1 General

M2 Engineering software

M3 Use of finite element analysis (FEA) as an alternative to engineering software

M4 Strain to failure

M5 Data requirements

M6 Method of generating a stress-strain curve based on ring expansion (RE) and flattened bar transverse (FBT) tensile testing

M7 Engineering software

Appendix N

N1 General

N2 Internal corrosion

N3 External corrosion

N4 Environmentally assisted cracking

N5 Corrosion prior to commissioning

Appendix O

O1 General

O2 High pH (classical) stress corrosion cracking

O2.1 Description

O2.2 Conditions

O3 Near-neutral (low pH) stress corrosion cracking

O3.1 Description

O3.2 Conditions

O4 Hydrogen sulfide cracking

O4.1 General

O4.2 Hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC)

O4.3 Sulfide stress corrosion cracking (SSCC)

O5 Hydrogen-assisted cold cracking (HACC)

O6 Design considerations to mitigate stress-corrosion cracking

O6.1 General

O6.2 Stress

O6.3 Cyclic variation of stress

O6.4 Pipeline anti-corrosion coating

O6.5 Age of pipeline

O6.6 Soil environment

O6.7 Surface preparation

O6.8 Cathodic protection system

O6.9 Pipe wall temperature

O7 References

Appendix P

Appendix Q

Q1 General

Q1.1 Introduction

Q1.2 Powerline effects

Q1.3 Mitigative measures

Q2 Acceptance voltage limits

Q3 Assessment of hazard

Appendix R

R1 Introduction

R2 Basis of requirements for cold field bends

R3 Objectives

R4 Suggested method

Appendix S

S1 Introduction

S2 Pipe properties

S2.1 Physical properties

S2.2 Damage

S2.3 Failure modes

S3 Pipe specification

S3.1 Pressure definition

S3.2 Process conditions

S3.3 Pressure test conditions

S3.4 Bends

S3.5 Pressure design

S3.6 Joint selection

S4 Pipe manufacture

S4.1 Pipe standards

S4.2 Shop pressure testing

S4.3 Quality records

S5 Pipeline design

S5.1 General

S5.2 Physical properties of the pipe required for design and analysis

S5.3 Structural design

S5.4 Transient loads

S5.5 Load combinations

S5.6 High temperature design

S5.7 Design tools

S5.8 Burial and crossing design

S5.9 Environmental loads

S5.10 External interference risk

S5.11 Static electricity

S5.12 Fire

S5.13 Hazardous area classification

S6 Pipeline construction

S6.1 General

S6.2 Competence and training

S6.3 Receipt, storage and handling

S6.4 Installation

S6.5 Supervision and inspection

S6.6 Quality records

S6.7 Pressure testing

S6.8 Pigging and gauging

S7 Maintenance

S7.1 Repair methods

Appendix T

T1 General

T1.1 Scope

T1.2 Characteristics of CO2

T2 Safety

T2.1 General

T2.2 CO2 release and dispersion behaviour

T2.3 CO2 and H2S health impacts

T2.4 Corrosion risk

T3 Materials and components

T3.1 Pipe and general

T3.2 Non-metallic materials

T3.3 Pipe coating and internal lining

T4 Design—General

T4.1 CO2 process design

T4.2 Pipeline route, location classification and high consequence areas

T4.3 Mainline valves

T4.4 Depressurization and discharge of CO2

T4.5 Repressurization

T4.6 Temperature

T4.7 Stress and strain

T4.8 Design for pressure testing and drying

T5 Fracture control

T5.1 General

T5.2 Fracture control design

T6 Station design

T7 Instrumentation and control design

T8 Mitigation of corrosion

T9 Upgrade of MAOP

T10 Inspection and testing