About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Application
1.2.1 Where this Standard applies
1.2.2 Where this Standard does not apply
1.3 Referenced documents
1.4 Definitions
1.5 Security of storage areas
2 Minor storage
2.1 Scope of Section
2.2 Minor storage quantities
2.3 Minor storage requirements
3 Transit storage
3.1 Scope of Section
3.2 Delineation of transit storage areas
3.3 Requirements for transit storage
3.4 Ammonium nitrate in transit storage areas
4 Storage and handling of packages
4.1 Scope of Section
4.2 Application of section
4.3 Types of package stores
4.4 Design and construction of package stores
4.5 Storage in stacks
4.6 Storage of IBCs
4.7 Separation and segregation
4.7.1 Oxidizing agents having Subsidiary Risks
4.7.2 Separation of package stores from protected places and boundaries Separation distances Measurement of separation distances
4.7.3 Segregation of oxidizing agents Segregation Measurement of segregation distances
4.8 Storage in cabinets
4.8.1 Types of substances kept
4.8.2 Maximum quantities to be kept
4.8.3 Cabinet design and construction
4.8.4 Cabinet location
4.8.5 Cabinet marking
4.9 Outdoor storage
4.10 Requirements for package filling operations
5 Storage in intermediate bulk containers
5.1 Scope of Section
5.2 Considerations specific to IBC storage
6 Bulk storage of solids
6.1 Scope of Section
6.2 Design and construction of buildings for bulk storage
6.3 Storage in silos
6.3.1 General
6.3.2 Design and materials of construction of silos
6.3.3 Filling and emptying silos
6.3.4 Clearing blockages
6.4 Separation and segregation
6.4.1 Separation of bulk stores from protected places
6.4.2 Segregation of oxidizing agents from other dangerous goods
6.5 Atmospheric control in stores
6.5.1 Ventilation
6.5.2 Humidity control
7 Storage and handling of liquids in tanks
7.1 Scope of Section
7.2 Application of section
7.3 Tank types
7.4 Location of tanks
7.4.1 General
7.4.2 Separation and segregation Oxidizing agents having Subsidiary Risks Separation distances Measurement of separation distances Segregation Measurement of segregation distances
7.5 Bunds and compounds
7.5.1 General
7.5.2 Capacity of compounds
7.5.3 Design and construction
7.5.4 Compound drainage
7.5.5 Maintenance
7.6 Design and construction requirements for all tanks
7.6.1 Materials of construction
7.6.2 Foundations
7.6.3 Supports
7.6.4 Bearing area
7.6.5 Vents
7.6.6 Pressure relief for storage systems
7.6.7 Transfer points
7.6.8 Overfill protection
7.7 Additional requirements for portable tanks
7.8 Additional requirements for fixed tanks
7.8.1 Tank design and construction General Pressure vessels Other vessels Tank shell thickness
7.8.2 Outlet valve
7.8.3 Level indication
7.8.4 Nozzles
7.8.5 Overflow lines
7.8.6 In-breathing vent
7.8.7 Emergency venting
7.9 Ancillary equipment for all tanks
7.9.1 Pipes and flexible hoses
7.9.2 Liquid lines
7.9.3 Accessories
7.9.4 Transfer systems
7.9.5 Filling connections
7.9.6 Transfer hoses
7.9.7 Filling
7.9.8 Electrical equipment
8 Additional requirements for the storage of hydrogen peroxide, and mixtures containing hydrogen peroxide in fixed tanks
8.1 Scope of Section
8.2 Tank classification
8.3 Materials of construction
8.3.1 Tanks having a working capacity of greater than 10 m3
8.3.2 Tanks having a working capacity of less than 10 m3
8.3.3 Tank design criteria
8.3.4 Venting requirements
8.3.5 Pipework and connections
8.3.6 Temperature indication
8.3.7 Chemical treatment (passivation)
9 Specific requirements for ammonium nitrate
9.1 Scope of Section
9.2 Types of store
9.3 General requirements for stores for ammonium nitrate
9.3.1 Location, design and construction of stores for ammonium nitrate
9.3.2 Separation distances to vulnerable facilities and critical infrastructure
9.3.3 Internal combustion engines
9.3.4 Co-storage of other materials and dangerous goods within the ammonium nitrate store Conditions of co-storage Materials and dangerous goods that cannot be kept in the ammonium nitrate store Materials and dangerous goods that may be kept in the ammonium nitrate store Co-storage of ammonium nitrate and explosives
9.3.5 Operational requirements specific to ammonium nitrate
9.3.6 Signs and notices
9.3.7 Conveyor belts
9.4 Specific requirements for the storage of ammonium nitrate in packages and IBCs
9.5 Specific requirements for the bulk storage of solid ammonium nitrate
9.5.1 General
9.5.2 Storage of ammonium nitrate in bunkers
9.5.3 Storage in silos
9.6 Specific requirements for the bulk storage of ammonium nitrate liquid, UN 2426
9.6.1 Introduction
9.6.2 General equipment and operational requirements and recommendations
9.6.3 Materials of tank construction
9.6.4 Protection of tanks
9.6.5 Segregation of tanks from other products
9.6.6 Ancillary equipment
9.6.7 Pipework for ammonium nitrate solutions
9.6.8 Pumps
9.6.9 Operations General Normal operating conditions Management of abnormal conditions Addition of cooling (dilution) water under abnormal conditions
9.7 Recovery and disposal of ammonium nitrate
9.7.1 General
9.7.2 Ammonium nitrate of types other than UN 2426
9.7.3 Ammonium nitrate liquid, UN 2426
10 Operational and personnel safety
10.1 Scope of Section
10.2 General precautions
10.2.1 Control of entry
10.2.2 Clear access
10.2.3 Lighting
10.2.4 Handling precautions
10.2.5 Sources of heat and fire
10.2.6 Checking of safety equipment
10.2.7 Packagings for oxidizing agents
10.2.8 Safety information
10.3 Signs and placards
10.3.1 Placarding of stores
10.3.2 Signs and notices
10.3.3 Safety information for emergency services
10.3.4 Marking of packages
10.4 Materials handling equipment
10.4.1 Powered vehicles General Additional requirements for powered vehicles that are to be used in a store for bulk ammonium nitrate or bulk calcium nitrate Additional requirements for powered vehicles for use in all ammonium nitrate stores
10.4.2 Lifting appliances
10.4.3 Forklift attachments
10.5 Housekeeping
10.5.1 Site upkeep
10.5.2 Bulk storage installations
10.5.3 Package stores
10.6 Inspection of plant and equipment
10.7 Filling of tanks
10.8 Effluent control
10.9 Inspection and maintenance of tanks
10.10 Construction and maintenance work
10.10.1 General
10.10.2 Routine work
10.10.3 Work permit
10.10.4 Preparation of work site and plant
10.10.5 Completion of work and commissioning
10.10.6 Hot work
10.10.7 Work inside a confined space
10.11 Personnel training
10.11.1 Job knowledge
10.11.2 Training
10.11.3 Contractors
10.11.4 Refresher training
10.11.5 Hygiene
10.12 Records
10.13 Personal protective equipment
10.13.1 General
10.13.2 Types of personal protective equipment
10.13.3 Occasions for use of personal protective equipment
10.13.4 Care and maintenance of personal protective equipment
10.14 First aid
10.14.1 General
10.14.2 First aid procedures
11 Emergency management
11.1 Scope of Section
11.2 Planning for emergencies
11.2.1 Considerations in designing premises
11.2.2 Emergency plan General
11.2.3 Review of emergency plan
11.3 Manifest
11.4 Placarding
11.5 Management of leaks and spills
11.5.1 General
11.5.2 Clean-up materials and equipment
11.5.3 Actions for dealing with leaks and spills
12 Fire protection
12.1 Scope of Section
12.2 Application
12.3 General considerations
12.3.1 Hazards
12.3.2 Firefighting
12.3.3 Design
12.3.4 Compatibility
12.3.5 Location
12.3.6 Weather protection
12.3.7 Fixed fire protection and detection systems
12.3.8 Fire alarm systems
12.3.9 Maintenance of fire protection equipment
12.4 Fire extinguishers
12.4.1 General
12.4.2 Location
12.4.3 Limitations
12.5 Hose reels
12.5.1 General
12.5.2 Location
12.6 Fire hydrants
12.6.1 General
12.6.2 Location
12.7 Fire protection measures
12.7.1 Storage cabinets
12.7.2 Stores other than storage cabinets
12.7.3 Use of fire protection equipment
12.8 Special requirements for UN Nos 1745, 1746 and 2495
12.8.1 General
12.8.2 Minor quantities
12.8.3 Quantities not exceeding 1000 kg
12.8.4 Quantities exceeding 1000 kg
12.9 Action in the event of a fire
13 Waste storage and disposal
13.1 Scope of Section
13.2 Storage of wastes
13.3 Items for disposal
13.3.1 Oxidizing agents
13.3.2 Other items
13.4 Pre-disposal treatment of empty containers
13.5 Methods of disposal
Appendix A
A1 Fire hazards
A2 Health hazards
A3 Environmental hazards
Appendix B
B1 Physical and chemical properties of ammonium nitrate
B2 Hazards of ammonium nitrate
B2.1 Introduction
B2.2 Fire
B2.3 Decomposition
B2.4 Explosion
B2.5 Ammonium nitrate dusts
B3 Compatible and incompatible substances
B3.1 General
B3.2 Compatible fertilizers
B3.3 Incompatible substances
Appendix C
Appendix D
D1 Introduction
D2 Overview of the security plan
D3 Elements of the security plan
D3.1 General
D3.2 Security risk management
D3.3 Personnel management
D3.4 Control of access
D3.5 Record keeping and inventory procedures
Appendix E
E1 Premises emergency plan
E2 Plan for use by emergency services
E3 Information to be provided to the emergency services
E4 Bibliography of documents providing guidelines on the preparation of emergency plans