About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Application
1.3 Referenced documents
1.4 Definitions
1.5 Functional areas
1.6 Asset life cycle
1.7 Adoption of existing practices
1.8 Hazard identification and risk analysis
1.9 Communication
1.10 Handling of exceptions
2 Interface coordination
3 Design
3.1 General
3.2 Operating parameters
3.3 Infrastructure items
3.4 Verification and validation
4 Construction and implementation
4.1 General
4.2 Infrastructure requirements
4.3 Verification and validation
5 Commissioning
5.1 General
5.2 Inspection and test plan
6 Monitoring and maintenance
6.1 General
6.2 Monitoring and maintenance requirements
6.3 Temporary infrastructure restrictions
6.3.1 General requirements
6.3.2 Factors to be considered
7 Modification
8 Decommissioning and disposal
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
D1 General
D2 Sight distance provision
D2.1 Detailed recommendations
D2.2 Factors to be considered
D3 Operational signage
D3.1 Detailed recommendations
D3.2 Factors to be considered
D4 Structure and electrical infrastructure clearances
D4.1 Detailed recommendations
D4.2 Factors to be considered
D5 Track geometry
D5.1 Detailed design recommendations
D5.2 Detailed recommendations for actual geometry
D5.3 Factors to be considered
D6 Structures
D6.1 General
D6.2 Other party structures
D7 Flooding and storm damage management
D7.1 Detailed recommendations
D7.2 Factors to be considered
D8 Earthworks
D8.1 Detailed recommendations
D8.2 Factors to be considered
D9 Rail support systems
D9.1 Ballast
D9.1.1 Detailed recommendations
D9.1.2 Factors to be considered
D9.2 Sleepers, bearers and other rail support systems
D9.2.1 Detailed recommendations
D9.2.2 Factors to be considered
D9.3 Fastening assemblies
D9.3.1 Detailed recommendations
D9.3.2 Factors to be considered
D10 Rail
D10.1 Detailed recommendations
D10.2 Factors to be considered
D10.3 Welding of rail joints
D11 Guard rails
D12 Points and crossings
D12.1 Detailed recommendations
D12.2 Factors to be considered
D13 Track lateral stability
D13.1 Detailed recommendations
D13.2 Factors to be considered
D14 Access control and protection
D14.1 General
D14.2 Protection devices
D15 Fire prevention and control
D15.1 General recommendations
D15.2 Factors to be considered
D16 Operation and control of the electrical system
D17 Electric traction system capacity and integrity
D18 Separation distances from electrical equipment
D19 Working on live equipment
D20 Electrical switching and isolating procedures
D20.1 Detailed recommendations
D20.2 Factors to be considered
D21 Control of touch and step potentials
D21.1 Earthing
D21.2 Bonding and traction return systems
D22 Spatial location of conductors
D23 Electrical fault protection
D24 Electrolysis mitigation
D25 Electric traction system interference management
Appendix E
E1 Detailed recommendations
E2 Factors to be considered
Appendix F
F1 General
F2 Scheduled inspections
F3 Unscheduled inspection