AS 3778.3.6:2022

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Measurement of water flow in open channels, Part 3.6: Velocity-area methods — Measurement of flow under tidal conditions (ISO 2425:2010, IDT)

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AS 3778.3.6:2022 identically adopts ISO 2425:2010, which provides a summary of recommended methods for the determination of liquid flow in tidal channels, special consideration being given to those techniques that are either unique to or particularly appropriate for application under tidal conditions, including treatment of uncertainties.


About this publication



1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 Abbreviated terms

5 Principles of methods of measurement

5.1 General

5.2 Single measurement methods

5.2.1 Velocity area method

5.2.2 Cubature method

5.3 Continuous measurement methods

5.3.1 Ultrasonic method (ISO 6416)

5.3.2 Electromagnetic method (ISO 9213)

5.3.3 Acoustic Doppler velocity method from a fixed station

5.3.4 Unsteady flow models

6 Special considerations and choice of method

6.1 Special considerations

6.2 Choice of method

6.2.1 General

6.2.2 Physical conditions

6.2.3 Selection and demarcation of site General Preliminary reconnaissance surveys Survey of chosen site Additional site selection criteria for ADVMs

7 Measurement of tidal flow

7.1 Techniques for single measurements of tidal flow

7.1.1 Measurement of tidal flow by velocity area methods Site requirements Measurement of cross-sectional area Measurement of velocity by fixed current meter method Measurement procedure Computation of discharge for fixed current meter method

7.1.2 Measurement of tidal flow by moving boat method

7.2 Techniques appropriate for continuous measurement of tidal flow

7.2.1 Measurement of tidal flow by acoustic Doppler method

7.2.2 Measurement of tidal flow by ultrasonic (acoustic) method

7.2.3 Measurement of tidal flow by electromagnetic method

7.2.4 Computations

8 Uncertainties in tidal flow measurement

8.1 General

8.2 Uncertainties in measurement by velocity area method

8.2.1 Sources of uncertainty

8.2.2 Individual components of errors

8.2.3 Resultant random uncertainty in measurement of flow

8.2.4 Resultant systematic uncertainty in measurement flow

8.2.5 Combined uncertainty at the 95 % confidence level

8.2.6 Combined standard error in the determination of the tidal (ebb or flood) volume

Annex A

A.1 Site requirements

A.2 Field measurements

A.3 Computation — Method I

A.4 Computation — Method II

Annex B

Annex C

Annex D

D.1 Acoustic Doppler velocity meters

D.2 Point velocity ADVMs

D.3 Single bin ADVMs

D.4 Profiler ADVMs

D.5 Methods

D.6 Calculating area on the basis of water level

D.7 Calculating mean velocity on the basis of index velocity

D.8 Accounting for changes in density and temperature
