About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope of this Standard (Part 0)
1.2 Scope of AS(/NZS) 2885 series
1.2.1 Inclusions
1.2.2 Inclusions — Special circumstances
1.2.3 Exclusions
1.3 Basis of the AS(/NZS) 2885 series
1.4 Normative references
1.5 Terms and definitions
1.6 Administrative matters
1.6.1 Retrospective application
1.6.2 Departures from AS(/NZS) 2885 series Standards
1.6.3 Use of other standards
1.6.4 Conversion to SI units
1.6.5 Rounding of numbers
2 Safety management principles
3 Legislative and regulatory framework
4 Approval
4.1 Basis of approval
4.2 Management of delegation of authority
4.3 Approval audit
4.4 Documents to be approved
4.4.1 General
4.4.2 Approval not to be delegated
4.4.3 Other documents
5 Records and record keeping
6 Change management
Appendix A
Appendix B