About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Application
1.3 Assessment period
1.4 Normative references
1.5 Terms and definitions
1.6 New designs and innovations
2 Grading convention
2.1 General
2.2 Grading format
2.3 Gradings used in associated security standards
3 Risk management and assessment
3.1 General
3.2 Functionality and services within the control of the monitoring centre
4 Building services and construction
4.1 General
4.2 Shell and sallyport construction
4.2.1 All grades
4.2.2 Construction materials
4.3 Sallyport requirements
4.4 Doors
4.4.1 All grades
4.4.2 Locking mechanisms
4.5 Windows
4.5.1 All grades
4.6 Service duct penetrations
4.6.1 Grades A and B
4.6.2 Grade C
4.7 Amenities
4.7.1 Grades A and B
4.7.2 Grade C
4.8 Airconditioning and ventilation
4.8.1 Grades A and B
4.8.2 Grade C
4.9 Fire system
4.9.1 Smoke detection and alarm warnings
4.9.2 Fire extinguisher
4.9.3 Grade A
4.9.4 Grades B and C
5 Monitoring centre control and security
5.1 Right of tenure
5.2 Residential exclusions
5.2.1 All grades
5.3 Video surveillance system
5.4 External area surveillance
5.4.1 Grades A and B
5.4.2 Grade C
5.5 Monitoring centre shell surveillance
5.5.1 Grade A
5.5.2 Grades B and C
5.6 Monitoring centre shell access
5.7 Monitoring centre alarm system
5.8 Operator inactivity monitoring
6 Clocks
6.1 General
6.2 Synchronization
6.3 Time display
7 IT policy management
7.1 General
7.2 Software management
7.2.1 Software versions
7.2.2 Software patches
7.3 Cyber security
7.3.1 Incident management
7.3.2 Certificates for external facing web servers
7.3.3 IT systems access
7.4 Cyber infrastructure
7.4.1 Vulnerability protection
7.4.2 Infrastructure design
7.5 Disaster recovery and backup management
7.6 Third-party management
7.7 IT access management
7.8 Event logging
8 Power source equipment
8.1 General
8.2 Primary power source
8.3 Reticulation control
8.3.1 Grades 1 and 2
8.3.2 Grade 3
8.4 Stand-by power sources
8.5 Alternate power sources
8.5.1 Capability
8.5.2 Operation
8.6 Alternate power source location
8.6.1 Grade 1
8.6.2 Grades 2 and 3
8.6.3 Alternate power supply enclosure security
8.7 Fuel
8.8 External generator
8.8.1 Grades 1 and 2
8.8.2 Grade 3
8.9 Other stand-by and alternate power source loads
9 Communications
9.1 Event indicating and recording equipment
9.2 Alarm response communication
9.2.1 All grades
9.2.2 Alarm response record keeping
9.3 Voice recording
9.4 Record retention
9.4.1 General
9.4.2 Data integrity
9.5 System availability
9.5.1 Contingency alarm monitoring
9.5.2 Event log
9.5.3 System integrity
9.6 Mean time to detect
9.7 Alarm processing time
10 Personnel
10.1 General
10.2 Numbers of monitoring centre staff
10.2.1 Grade 1
10.2.2 Grades 2 and 3
10.3 Operator training
10.3.1 Competency based training program
10.3.2 Record keeping
10.4 Monitoring centre visitors and servicing personnel
11 Preventative maintenance
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D