About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Normative references
1.3 Terms and definitions
1.4 Local area traffic management — General principles
1.5 Signs — General requirements
1.6 Pavement markings — General requirements
2 Vertical deflection devices
2.1 General
2.2 Signs
2.3 Pavement markings
2.4 Road humps
2.4.1 General
2.4.2 Hump profiles
2.4.3 Watts profile road hump
2.4.4 Flat-top road hump
2.4.5 Road cushions
2.5 Wombat crossings
2.6 Raised pavements
3 Horizontal deflection devices
3.1 General
3.2 Signs
3.3 Pavement markings
3.4 Lane narrowing/kerb extensions
3.5 Slow points
3.6 Centre blister islands
3.7 Driveway links
3.8 Mid-block median treatments
3.9 Roundabouts
4 Diversion devices
4.1 General
4.2 Signs
4.3 Pavement markings
4.4 Full road closures
4.5 Half road closures
4.6 Diagonal road closures
4.7 Modified T-intersections
4.8 Left-in/left-out islands
5 Signs, pavement markings and other treatments
5.1 General
5.2 Signs
5.3 Pavement markings
5.4 Speed limit signs
5.5 Prohibited traffic movement signs
5.6 One-way (street) signs
5.7 Give way signs
5.8 Stop signs
5.9 Shared zones
5.10 School zones
5.11 Threshold treatments
5.12 Continuous footpath treatments
5.13 Bicycle facilities