About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Referenced documents
1.3 Definitions
1.4 Safety precautions
1.4.1 General
1.4.2 Health hazards
1.4.3 Handling solutions
1.4.4 Protective clothing
1.4.5 Ventilation
1.4.6 Respiratory protection
1.4.7 Safety signs
1.4.8 Washing facilities
1.5 Disposal of waste solutions
2 Phosphate conversion treatment
2.1 Scope of section
2.2 Coating classification
2.2.1 Coatings for iron and steel
2.2.2 Coatings for non-ferrous metals
2.3 Requirements for phosphate coatings
2.3.1 General requirements
2.3.2 Coating mass
2.3.3 Freedom from corrosive residues
2.3.4 Resistance to corrosion
2.4 Methods of application
2.4.1 General
2.4.2 Surface preparation
2.4.3 Phosphate treatment
2.4.4 Rinsing
2.4.5 Staining
2.4.6 Drying
2.4.7 Treatment of creviced components
2.4.8 Treatment of composite articles
2.4.9 Treatment of high tensile steels
2.4.10 Coating
3 Chromate conversion treatment of aluminium, magnesium, zinc and their alloys
3.1 Scope of section
3.2 Coating classification
3.3 Requirements for chromate coatings
3.3.1 General requirements
3.3.2 Test specimens and sampling
3.3.3 Coating mass
3.3.4 Adhesion
3.3.5 Corrosion resistance of chromate coating on aluminium
3.3.6 Coating identification Colourless, yellow or brown coatings Green coatings
3.4 Methods of application
3.4.1 Surface preparation
3.4.2 Method of application of chromate coatings
3.4.3 Rinsing and drying
Appendix A
A1 General
A2 Information to be supplied by the purchaser
Appendix B
B1 General
B2 Principle
B3 Test specimens
B4 Determination of coating mass on steel using the chromic acid method
B4.1 Reagent
B4.2 Procedure
B4.3 Calculation of coating mass
B5 Phosphate coatings on zinc
B5.1 Reagent
B5.2 Procedure
B6 Crystalline phosphate coating on aluminium and its alloys
B6.1 Reagent
B6.2 Procedure
B7 Chromate and amorphous phosphate coatings on aluminium and its alloys
B7.1 Fresh coatings
B7.1.1 General
B7.2 Reagent
B7.3 Procedure
B8 Test report
Appendix C
C1 General
C2 Principle
C3 Procedure
C4 Test report
Appendix D
D1 Determination of corrosion resistance of phosphate coated ferrous metals which have not been after-treated or organically coated
D1.1 Principle
D1.2 Procedure
D2 Determination of corrosion resistance of phosphate conversion coatings which have been after-treated with corrosion-preventing oils
D2.1 Principle
D2.2 Procedure
D2.2.1 To evaluate a specific corrosion-protecting system
D2.2.2 For comparative testing
D2.3 Neutral salt spray test
D3 Test report
Appendix E
E1 Scope
E2 Requirements
E3 Embrittlement relief treatment classes
E4 Heat treatment after processing
E4.1 Heat treatment
E4.2 High strength steels
E4.3 Threads and sharp notches
E4.4 Surface-hardened, through-hardened and bearing steels.
E4.5 Hardness loss for chromium steels
Appendix F
F1 Scope
F2 Test specimens
F3 Determinaton of mass of fresh chromate coatings
F3.1 Reagent
F3.2 Procedure
F4 Determination of mass of aged chromate coatings
F4.1 Reagent
F4.2 Procedure
F5 Expression of results
F5.1 Calculation
F6 Test report
Appendix G
G1 Scope
G2 Reagents
G3 Determination of the presence of chromium
G4 Determination of the presence of phosphate
G5 Determination of the presence of zinc
Appendix H