AS 1627.4-2005

Original price was: $83.00.Current price is: $41.00.

Metal finishing — Preparation and pretreatment of surfaces, Part 4: Abrasive blast cleaning of steel

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Specifies abrasive blastcleaning methods for the preparation of steel surfaces before coating with paints and related products.


About this publication



1 Scope and general

1.1 Scope

1.2 Referenced documents

1.3 Definitions

2 Abrasives

2.1 Materials and types

2.2 Requirements

2.3 Selection considerations

2.3.1 Abrasives and equipment

2.3.2 Preliminary tests

2.3.3 Abrasive selection

3 Abrasive blast cleaning methods

3.1 Dry abrasive cleaning

3.1.1 Compressed air abrasive blast cleaning

3.1.2 Vacuum or suction head abrasive blast cleaning

3.1.3 Centrifugal abrasive blast cleaning

3.2 Wet abrasive blast cleaning

3.2.1 General

3.2.2 Compressed air wet abrasive blast cleaning

3.2.3 Slurry blast cleaning

3.2.4 Water jetting with abrasive injection

3.3 Flash rusting

4 Initial rust grades and classes of blast cleaning

4.1 Initial surface assessment

4.2 Classes of blast cleaning

4.3 Other assessment requirements

5 Procedure

5.1 General

5.2 Preparation before blast cleaning

5.3 Selection of blast cleaning parameters

5.4 After blast cleaning

5.5 Assessment of the blast cleaned surface

Appendix A

A1 General

A2 Information to be supplied by the purchaser

Appendix B

B1 General

B2 Classes of visual cleanliness after blast cleaning

B2.1 General

B2.2 Light blast cleaning (Sa 1)

B2.3 Thorough blast cleaning (Sa 2)

B2.4 Very thorough blast cleaning (Sa 2½)

B2.5 Blast cleaning to visually clean steel (Sa 3)

B3 Factors influencing blast appearance

Appendix C

C1 Health hazards

C2 Control measures

C2.1 Isolation

C2.2 Self-actuating cut-off devices

C2.3 Whip checks

C3 Protective clothing

C4 Face and eye protection

C5 Ear protection

C5.1 General

C5.2 Typical noise sources

C5.3 Above the proscribed level and control measures

C6 Respiratory protection

C7 Safe working guidelines

C7.1 Scaffolding and harnesses

C7.2 Personal fall protective equipment

C7.3 Static discharge

C7.4 Unauthorized personnel

C8 Work environment

C8.1 General

C8.2 Ventilation

C8.3 Lighting

Appendix D

D1 General

D2 Procedure

D3 Surface preparation