About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Referenced documents
1.3 Definitions
1.4 Marking
1.5 Information to be supplied by the purchaser
1.6 Coating and lining
1.7 Handling, lifting and storage
1.8 Effect on water
2 Rated pressure
2.1 Hydrostatically tested pipe
2.2 Non-hydrostatically tested pipe
2.3 Fittings
3 Manufacture
3.1 Pipe and piles
3.1.1 Steel
3.1.2 Welding
3.1.3 Pipe and pile sizes
3.1.4 Tolerances on dimensions General Diameter Ovality Length Straightness
3.2 Fittings
3.2.1 Manufacture
3.2.2 Welding
3.2.3 Dimensions and tolerances on fittings
3.2.4 Tolerance on dimensions
3.3 Joints
3.3.1 General
3.3.2 Flanged joints
3.3.3 Elastomeric joints
3.3.4 Field butt welded joints
3.3.5 Field fillet welded joints
4 Testing
4.1 Pipe
4.1.1 General
4.1.2 Strength test
4.1.3 Leak test
4.2 Piles
4.3 Fittings
4.3.1 General
4.3.2 Pressure retaining main butt welds
4.3.3 Branch welds and pressure containing fillet welds
4.3.4 Non-pressure retaining fillet welds
4.4 Joints
4.4.1 General
4.4.2 Assembly test
4.4.3 Elastomeric seal joint type testing
Appendix A
A1 Scope
A2 Relevance
A3 Definitions
A4 Product certification
A5 Minimum sampling and testing frequency plan
A5.1 General
A5.2 Retesting
A5.3 Rejection after test
A6 Test requirements
Appendix B
B1 Scope
B2 Information to be supplied by the purchaser
B3 Information to be supplied by the manufacturer
B4 Manufacturer’s certificate
Appendix C
Appendix D
D1 Scope
D2 General
D3 Dimensions of bends
D4 Description of fittings
Appendix E
Appendix F
F1 Scope
F2 Principle
F3 Residual air
F4 Pressure measurement
F5 Strength test
F6 Leak test
F7 Measurement
F8 Recorded information
Appendix G
G1 Scope
G2 Principle
G3 Documentation of joint design
G4 Temperature
G5 Apparatus
G6 Test medium
G7 Joint configuration
G8 Assembly
G9 Test procedure
G10 Report