AS 1554.2:2021

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Structural steel welding, Part 2: Stud welding (steel studs to steel)

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This Standard prescribes requirements for the stud welding of steel studs to steel elements, such steel studs being used for the attachment of members and connection devices to concrete (as concrete anchors and as shear connectors in composite steel and concrete construction), and for the fastening of other members and appurtenances.


About this publication


1 Scope and general

1.1 Scope

1.2 Exclusions

1.3 Innovation

1.4 Normative references

1.5 Terms and definitions

1.6 Management of quality

1.6.1 Quality requirements

1.6.2 Basic welding requirements

1.7 Safety

1.7.1 Welding safety

1.7.2 Welding equipment

1.7.3 Other hazards

2 Materials of construction

2.1 General requirements for studs

2.1.1 Manufacture

2.1.2 Ferrule

2.2 Stud material

2.2.1 Manufacture

2.2.2 Mechanical properties and chemical composition Mechanical properties Chemical composition

2.2.3 Manufacturing documentation

2.3 Parent material

2.4 Non-conforming materials

3 Design

3.1 General

3.2 Drawings

4 Qualification of procedures and personnel

4.1 Qualification of welding procedure

4.2 Methods for qualifying a welding procedure

4.3 Prequalified procedures

4.4 Procedure qualification

4.4.1 Preparation of test specimens

4.4.2 Testing General Bend test

4.4.3 Tension test Threaded studs Non-threaded studs

4.5 Preproduction testing

4.5.1 For a stud welding machine which records weld cycle parameters Preproduction tests Retests

4.5.2 For a stud welding machine which does not record weld cycle parameters Daily tests Retests

4.6 Production welding

4.6.1 For a stud welding machine which records weld cycle parameters

4.6.2 For a stud welding machine which does not record weld cycle parameters

4.7 Record of tests

4.8 Qualification of welding personnel

4.8.1 Welding coordinator

4.8.2 Stud-welding operators General Technical knowledge Qualification through pre-production testing

5 Production technique and workmanship

5.1 Preparation before welding

5.1.1 Studs

5.1.2 Stud base

5.1.3 Ferrules

5.1.4 Parent material

5.2 Welding

5.2.1 General

5.2.2 Adverse weather

5.2.3 Alternative welding processes

5.3 Stud spacing

5.4 Finished welds

5.5 Stud welding through sheet metal

5.6 Workmanship

5.6.1 General For a stud welding machine which records weld cycle parameters For a stud welding machine which does not record weld cycle parameters

5.6.2 Replacement of unacceptable studs Studs in tension areas Studs in compression areas Replacement studs

6 Testing of finished welds

6.1 Non-threaded studs (shear connectors and headed concrete anchors)

6.1.1 Placed by a stud welding machine which records weld cycle parameters

6.1.2 Placed by a stud welding machine which does not record weld cycle parameters

6.2 Threaded studs

6.3 Use of tested studs

6.4 Additional testing for studs welded to beams with adverse surface conditions — Ring test

6.5 Unsatisfactory welds

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C
