About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Normative references
1.3 Terms and definitions
1.4 New designs, innovations and design methods
1.5 Risk assessment
2 Classification and load rating
3 Structure
3.1 Basis of design
3.2 Slenderness ratios of bridge section
3.3 Deflection
3.3.1 Limits
3.3.2 Leg spread of gantry cranes
3.3.3 Natural frequency
3.3.4 Lateral forces on portal cranes
3.3.5 Camber
3.3.6 Jib cranes
3.4 Span to wheelbase ratio
4 Stability
5 Crane mechanisms
5.1 Mechanisms
5.1.1 General
5.1.2 Rated capacity limiter
5.2 Motion limits
5.2.1 General
5.2.2 Crane anti-collision
5.2.3 Crab and trolley anti-collision
5.2.4 Out-of-service conditions
5.3 Hoisting unit
5.3.1 Rope
5.3.2 Drum
5.3.3 Retention of chain
5.4 Attachments for containers fitted with twistlocks
5.4.1 General
5.4.2 Spreader
5.4.3 Twistlock details
5.5 Multiple hoist/crab combinations
5.6 Multiple crane combinations
5.7 Recording of hoist operation
6 Access from fixed platforms
6.1 Access to crane operating position
6.2 Access for servicing — Service platforms
6.3 Access and servicing facilities
7 Access from mobile platforms
8 Clearances
8.1 General
8.2 Clearance below unladen crane
8.3 Clearance at or near a crane runway
9 Electrical access isolators
9.1 General
9.2 Access isolators for access from fixed platforms
9.2.1 Hoisting motion
9.2.2 Travel and traverse motions Location of service isolators Travel motion Traverse motion
9.3 Access isolators for access from mobile platforms
9.4 Marking of access isolators
10 Operational design
10.1 General
10.2 Speed limitations for floor operated cranes
11 Marking
11.1 Marking on crane
11.2 Marking on hoist
11.3 Combination hoist labelling on cranes
12 Inspection and commissioning
12.1 Commissioning
12.1.1 General
12.1.2 Pre-operational inspection and testing
12.1.3 No-load operation and testing
12.1.4 Load testing
12.1.5 Reports
13 Guarding
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C