AS 1379-2007

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Specification and supply of concrete

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Sets out minimum requirements for the materials, plant and equipment used in the supply of concrete; the production and, if applicable, the delivery of concrete in the plastic state; specifying, sampling, testing and compliance with specified properties of plastic and hardened concrete; and the uniformity of mixing.


About this publication


1 Scope and general

1.1 Scope

1.2 Referenced documents

1.3 Definitions

1.4 Notation

1.5 Specification of concrete

1.5.1 General

1.5.2 Standard strength grades

1.5.3 Normal-class concrete General Basic parameters

1.5.4 Special-class concrete

1.6 Methods of ordering

1.7 Basis of supply

1.7.1 General

1.7.2 Volume of plastic concrete

1.7.3 Identification certificate

2 Concrete constituents

2.1 General

2.2 Cement constituents

2.2.1 Portland cement

2.2.2 Blended cement

2.2.3 Fly ash

2.2.4 Ground slag

2.2.5 Amorphous silica

2.3 Aggregates

2.4 Mixing water

2.5 Chemical admixtures

2.6 Other materials

2.7 Limitations on chemical content of concrete

2.7.1 Chemical admixtures

2.7.2 Sulfate content

2.7.3 Chloride content

2.8 Alkali aggregate reaction

3 Plant and equipment

3.1 General

3.2 Storage containers

3.2.1 Cement and supplementary cementitious material

3.2.2 Aggregate

3.2.3 Water

3.2.4 Chemical admixtures

3.3 Weighing equipment

3.3.1 Indicating devices

3.3.2 Accuracy

3.3.3 Weigh-hoppers

3.3.4 Continuous feed weighers

3.4 Liquid dispensing equipment

3.4.1 Indicating devices

3.4.2 Accuracy of metering

3.4.3 Maintenance

3.5 Mixers

3.5.1 General

3.5.2 Batch mixers Mixer controls Rated mixing capacity Minimum mixing criteria Determination of minimum mixing time or number of revolutions Identification plates

3.5.3 Continuous mixers Charging rate Identification plates

4 Production and delivery

4.1 General

4.1.1 Production processes

4.1.2 Method of measuring quantities of ingredients

4.1.3 Bases for determinations of mass

4.1.4 Method of batching ingredients

4.1.5 Sequence of introduction of materials

4.1.6 Records

4.2 Batch production

4.2.1 Tolerances on batch ingredients Ingredients other than water Water

4.2.2 Batch mixing General Central mixing Mobile mixing Staged mixing

4.2.3 Addition of water to a mixed batch

4.2.4 Addition of admixtures and other materials to a mixed batch

4.2.5 Period for completion of discharge

4.3 Continuous production

4.3.1 Feeding materials Solid ingredients Liquid ingredients Accuracy of flow rates for cementitious materials Accuracy of flow rates for coarse, fine and total aggregates

4.3.2 Mixing

4.4 Delivery

4.4.1 General

4.4.2 Temperature at point of delivery

4.4.3 Duration of delivery

5 Sampling and testing of concrete

5.1 General

5.1.1 Sampling and testing

5.1.2 Grouping of plants

5.1.3 Customer access

5.2 Slump

5.2.1 Frequency of testing

5.2.2 Determination of slump

5.2.3 Compliance

5.2.4 Repeat tests for slump

5.3 Strength

5.3.1 28 day characteristic strength

5.3.2 Strength other than 28 day characteristic strength

5.3.3 Compliance

5.3.4 Action to be taken on non-compliance

5.4 Air content

5.4.1 Frequency of sampling

5.4.2 Determination of air content

5.4.3 Compliance

5.4.4 Repeat tests for air content

5.5 Chloride and sulfate content

5.5.1 Frequency of sampling

5.5.2 Determination of content

5.5.3 Compliance

5.6 Drying shrinkage

5.6.1 Drying shrinkage of normal-class concrete Frequency of sampling Determination of shrinkage by field sampling Determination of shrinkage by laboratory mixing and testing Compliance

5.6.2 Drying shrinkage of special-class concrete

5.7 7 Day strength of normal-class concrete

5.8 Other parameters

6 Sampling, testing and assessment for compliance of concrete specified by compressive strength

6.1 General

6.2 Sampling and testing

6.2.1 General

6.2.2 Sampling

6.2.3 Making and curing of cylinder specimens

6.2.4 Testing of cylinder specimens

6.2.5 Test strength of samples Strength of sample Difference in strength

6.3 Production assessment

6.3.1 Basic requirements of production control General requirement Designation of grades Frequency of assessment Assessment factor Assessment of grade

6.3.2 Grade being assessed

6.3.3 Sampling frequency

6.3.4 Production interval

6.3.5 Standard deviation Standard deviation of a controlled grade Sample size for the standard deviation of a controlled grade Standard deviation for an associated grade

6.3.6 Grouping of plants to determine nc and sc

6.3.7 Action on non-compliance Check on adequacy of concrete Adjustment to mix designs

6.3.8 Early age assessment of controlled grades

6.4 Recording and dissemination of production assessment information

6.4.1 Records and reports of test results

6.4.2 Reports for production assessment

6.4.3 Dissemination of production assessment information

6.4.4 Notification of potentially low strength

6.5 Project assessment of strength grade

6.5.1 General

6.5.2 Additional project assessment for plants subject to production assessment

6.6 Assessment by alternative methods with an accepted operating characteristic

Appendix A

A1 General

A2 Test procedures

A2.1 Mix used for uniformity tests

A2.2 Batch mixers

A2.3 Continuous mixers

A2.4 Sampling procedures

A2.4.1 End-discharge batch mixers

A2.4.2 Split-drum mixers

A2.4.3 Continuous mixers

A3 Determination of properties of plastic concrete samples

A3.1 General

A3.2 Slump

A3.3 Air content

A3.4 Mass per unit volume of the concrete

A3.5 Coarse aggregate content

A3.6 Mass per unit volume of the air-free mortar

A4 Compliance with uniformity

Appendix B

Appendix C

C1 Scope

C2 Statistical sampling

C3 Product certification

C4 Supplier’s quality management system

C5 Other means of assessment

Amendment control sheet

AS 1379—2007

Amendment No. 1 (2009)


Amendment No. 2 (2015)

Revised text