About this publication
1 Scope
2 Referenced documents
3 Definitions
4 Materials
4.1 Aggregates
4.2 Cement
4.3 Water
4.4 Admixtures
4.5 Cement mortar
5 Proportioning of materials
5.1 Measurement and mixing of materials
5.2 Aggregate:cement ratio
5.3 Water:cement ratio
6 Preparation of steel surface
7 Application of mortar
7.1 Method of application
7.2 Centrifugal application
7.3 Spray application
7.4 Hand application
7.4.1 General
7.4.2 Adhesion to steel and cured mortar
7.4.3 Water:cement ratio
7.5 Reinforcement
8 Thickness of lining
9 Surface quality/workmanship
9.1 General
9.2 Defects
9.3 Repairs
10 Cement mortar ends
11 Curing of lining
11.1 Methods of curing
11.2 Water curing
11.3 Steam curing
12 Application of curing compounds and seal coats
13 Effect of cement mortar lining on water quality
14 Handling and storing of pipes
14.1 Lifting and handling
14.2 Storing and transporting
Appendix A
A1 General
A2 Information to be supplied by the purchaser
A3 Matters to be decided by agreement
A4 Information to be supplied by the manufacturer
Appendix B
B1 Scope
B2 Relevance
B3 Definitions
B4 Product certification
B5 Minimum sampling and testing frequency plan
B5.1 General
B5.2 Retesting
B5.3 Rejection after retest
Appendix C