AS 1170.4:2024

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Structural design actions, Part 4: Earthquake actions in Australia

File Format: PDF

AS 1170.4:2024 provides designers of structures with earthquake actions and general detailing requirements for use in the design of structures subject to earthquakes with a primary focus on life safety.


About this publication


1 Scope and general

1.1 Scope

1.2 Normative references

1.3 Terms and definitions

1.4 Notation and units

1.5 Levels, weights and forces of the structure

2 Design procedure

2.1 General

2.2 Design procedure

3 Site hazard

3.1 Annual probability of exceedance (P) and probability factor (kp)

3.2 Hazard design factor (Z)

3.3 The product kpZ

4 Site sub-soil class

4.1 Determination of site sub-soil class

4.1.1 General

4.1.2 Site classification methods

4.1.3 Evaluation of periods for layered sites

4.2 Site class definitions

4.2.1 Overview

4.2.2 Class Ae — Strong rock

4.2.3 Class Be — Rock

4.2.4 Class Ce — Shallow soil site

4.2.5 Class De— Deep or soft soil site

4.2.6 Class Ee — Very soft soil site

5 Earthquake design

5.1 General

5.2 Basic design principles

5.2.1 Seismic-force-resisting system

5.2.2 Tying structure together

5.2.3 Performance under earthquake deformations

5.2.4 Walls

5.2.5 Diaphragms

5.2.6 System ductility

5.3 Earthquake design category I (EDC I)

5.4 Earthquake design category II (EDC II)

5.4.1 General

5.4.2 Strength and stability provisions General Earthquake forces—equivalent static method

5.4.3 Vertical earthquake actions

5.4.4 Drift

5.4.5 Pounding

5.4.6 Parts and components

5.5 Earthquake design category III (EDC III)

5.5.1 General

5.5.2 Strength and stability provisions General Earthquake forces—Dynamic analysis

5.5.3 Vertical earthquake actions

5.5.4 Drift

5.5.5 Pounding

5.5.6 Parts and components

6 Equivalent static analysis

6.1 General

6.2 Horizontal equivalent static forces

6.2.1 Earthquake base shear

6.2.2 Gravity load

6.2.3 Natural period of the structure

6.3 Vertical distribution of horizontal forces

6.4 Spectral shape factor (Ch(T))

6.5 Determination of structural ductility (μ) And structural performance factor (Sp)

6.6 Torsional effects

6.7 Drift determination and P-delta effects

6.7.1 General

6.7.2 Storey drift determination

6.7.3 P-delta effects Stability coefficient Calculating P-delta effects

7 Dynamic analysis

7.1 General

7.2 Earthquake actions

7.3 Mathematical model

7.4 Modal analysis

7.4.1 General

7.4.2 Number of modes

7.4.3 Combining modes

7.4.4 Torsion Three-dimensional dynamic analysis Two-dimensional dynamic analysis with static analysis for torsion

7.5 Drift determination and P-delta effects

8 Design of parts and components

8.1 General requirements

8.1.1 General

8.1.2 Earthquake actions

8.1.3 Forces on components

8.1.4 Parts and components

8.2 Method using design accelerations

8.3 Simple method

Appendix A

A.1 General

A.2 Design and detailing

Appendix B

B.1 General

Appendix C

C.1 General
