About this publication
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Abbreviated terms
5 Transfer system design requirements
5.1 Vessel requirements
5.2 Facility requirements
5.3 Bunker transfer equipment requirements
5.4 Emergency shutdown and release systems
5.5 Specific requirements
5.5.1 System support
5.5.2 Hoses, corrugated metallic or composite General Hose support loading arm and hose supports (saddles)
5.5.3 Transfer arms
5.5.4 Bunkering connections
5.5.5 Dry-disconnect/connect coupling
5.5.6 Insulation flange
5.5.7 Fall arrest
5.6 Identification of transfer equipment
5.7 Transfer system design analysis
5.7.1 General
5.7.2 Additional items to be considered to meet the requirements of 5.4.5
5.8 Maintenance
5.9 Maintenance manual
6 LNG bunkering processes and procedures
6.1 Mooring
6.2 Communication in preparation for a transfer
6.3 Risk assessments
6.3.1 General
6.3.2 Risk assessment
6.3.3 Conditions considered
6.3.4 Assessment methodology
6.3.5 Acceptable bunkering parameters
6.4 Vessel safety assessments
6.5 Bunkering transfer procedures
7 Management system and quality assurance
7.1 Management systems
7.2 Management systems for transfer equipment manufacturers
8 Personnel training
8.1 Vessel personnel training requirements
8.2 Additional training requirements for personnel involved in bunkering operations on vessels
8.2.1 General
8.2.2 Personnel providing LNG from port or mobile facilities training
8.3 Documentation of training
9 Records and documentation
Appendix A
Appendix B
B.1 General
B.2 Deterministic assessment of the safety zone
B.3 Risk-based approach for the safety zone
Appendix C