AS 1742.15:2019

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Manual of uniform traffic control devices, Part 15: Direction signs, information signs and route numbering

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This Standard specifies requirements and gives recommendations for the design and use of direction signs and related navigational aids including route numbering for all roads including expressway type roads.


About this publication


1 Scope and general

1.1 Scope

1.2 Normative references

1.3 Terms and definitions

1.4 Responsibility and authority for installation

1.5 Principles of good sign practice

1.6 Sign design guidelines

1.6.1 Signboard layout

1.6.2 Presentation of information

1.6.3 Sign format

1.6.4 Distances on signs

1.6.5 Route and street names

1.6.6 Directions to distant routes

1.6.7 Use of apostrophes

1.6.8 Letter types and sizes, and sign colour

1.6.9 Use of arrows

1.6.10 Illumination and reflectorization

1.6.11 Non-standard signs

1.7 Installation and location

1.8 Materials and manufacturing specifications

2 Direction signs at and near intersections

2.1 General

2.2 Advance direction signs

2.2.1 Application

2.2.2 Format and use

2.2.3 Legend

2.2.4 Location and mounting

2.2.5 Supplementary distance plate (G9-66)

2.3 Driving instruction direction signs

2.3.1 Single direction type (G9-7 and G9-8)

2.3.2 Multiple direction/lane type

2.3.3 Turning instruction signs

2.3.4 Variable lane designation signs

2.4 Intersection direction signs and fingerboards

2.4.1 Function and classification

2.4.2 Major intersection direction signs (Type 1) — Description and use

2.4.3 Minor Intersection Direction (Type 2) signs — Description and use

2.4.4 Fingerboards (Type 3 intersection direction signs) — Description and use

2.4.5 Signs to tourist attractions and services

2.4.6 Legend selection

2.4.7 Display of route numbers and distances

2.4.8 Location

2.5 Reassurance direction signs

2.5.1 Function

2.5.2 Legend

2.5.3 Location

2.6 Typical arrangement diagrams

3 Expressway direction signs

3.1 General

3.2 Provision of signs

3.3 Legend selection

3.3.1 Amount of legend

3.3.2 Destinations and route names

3.3.3 Route numbering

3.3.4 Exit numbering

3.4 Advance exit signs and signs at the exit

3.4.1 Advance exit signs — Legend type (GE1-5, GE1-6, GE1-13)

3.4.2 Advance exit signs — Diagrammatic type (GE1-11, GE1-12)

3.4.3 Signs at the exit

3.4.4 Typical direction sign arrangements — single lane exits

3.4.5 Two-lane exits

3.4.6 Closely spaced exits and single trap lane exits

3.4.7 Location of exit direction signs

3.5 Supplementary advance signs

3.5.1 This (Next) exit, Use … exit signs (GE1-8-1, GE1-8-2, GE1-8-4)

3.5.2 NEXT xx EXITS sign (GE1-8-3)

3.5.3 By-passed town signs (GE1-15)

3.6 Reassurance and interchange sequence signs

3.6.1 Reassurance direction signs (GE4-1)

3.6.2 Interchange sequence sign (GE1-9)

3.7 Signs at Expressway-to-Expressway Interchanges

3.8 Signs on the approach to and along tolled expressways

3.8.1 General

3.8.2 TOLL panel

3.8.3 Toll indicated by alternative sign colours

3.9 Other expressway direction signs

3.9.1 Expressway direction signs in tunnels

3.9.2 Combined direction signs with overhead lane control devices

3.9.3 G3-4 series signs on expressways

3.9.4 EXIT distance sign (GE1-18)

3.10 Direction signs at ramp terminals

3.10.1 Exit ramp terminals

3.10.2 Approaches to entrance ramp terminals

4 Route numbering

4.1 General principles

4.2 Types of route numbering

4.2.1 The alphanumeric system

4.2.2 Tourist routes

4.2.3 Over-dimensional load routes

4.2.4 Special routes using symbols

4.2.5 Maintaining existing shield based systems

4.3 The alphanumeric system — Description and use

4.3.1 Route classification

4.3.2 Number selection

4.3.3 Alternative and by-pass routes

4.3.4 Dual numbering

4.4 Display of numbers

4.4.1 Form of display and visual prominence

4.4.2 Display on direction signs

4.4.3 Display as free standing markers or supplementary plates

5 General information signs

5.1 Geographical feature signs (G6)

5.1.1 Purpose

5.1.2 Location

5.1.3 Shape and colour

5.1.4 Legend

5.1.5 Types of signs

5.1.6 Town name (G6-1)

5.1.7 Stream name (G6-2)

5.1.8 State border (G6-3 and G6-4)

5.1.9 Local government boundary (G6-5)

5.1.10 Feature (G6-6)

5.2 Kilometre plates

5.2.1 General

5.2.2 Kilometre plates (G10-3, G10-4, G10-5)

5.2.3 Location and spacing

5.3 Non-standard information signs

5.3.1 General

5.3.2 Sign design

5.3.3 Sign location

Appendix A

A.1 Scope

A.2 Procedure

Appendix B

B.1 General

B.2 Selection of legend elements

B.3 Spacing of legend elements

B.4 Achieving visual balance

Appendix C

C.1 Scope

C.2 General

C.3 Means of illumination

C.4 Means of reflectorization

Appendix D

D.1 Scope

D.2 Sign location — Roadside signs

D.2.1 General

D.2.2 Longitudinal placement

D.2.3 Lateral placement and height

D.2.3.1 General

D.2.3.2 Lateral placement — Rural

D.2.3.3 Lateral placement — Urban

D.2.3.4 Height — Rural

D.2.3.5 Height — Urban

D.3 Sign location — Overhead signs

D.4 Multiple signs on a single mounting

D.5 Sign orientation
