AS/NZS 2885.6:2018

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Pipelines — Gas and liquid petroleum, Part 6: Pipeline safety management

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Specifies requirements for safety management for pipeline systems and covers all elements of the system designed, constructed or operated under AS(/NZS) 2885 series Standards, including mainline pipe and pipeline assemblies, stations and control systems.


About this publication



1 Scope and general

1.1 Scope

1.2 Normative references

1.3 Definitions

1.4 Abbreviations

1.5 General requirements

1.5.1 Safety management in the pipeline life-cycle

1.5.2 Safety management studies

1.5.3 Documentation General New pipelines Existing pipelines

1.5.4 Implementation

1.5.5 Safety management study validation

1.5.6 High consequence recognition

2 Classification of locations

2.1 Basis of section

2.2 Location classification

2.3 Primary location class

2.4 Secondary location class

3 Safety management process

3.1 Basis of section

3.2 Threat identification

3.3 Threat control

3.3.1 General

3.3.2 External interference threats

3.3.3 Other threats

3.4 Failure analysis

3.4.1 General

3.4.2 Documentation

3.5 Qualitative risk assessment

3.5.1 General

3.5.2 Severity analysis

3.5.3 Frequency analysis

3.5.4 Risk ranking

3.6 Risk treatment

3.6.1 General

3.6.2 Risk treatment during design

3.6.3 Risk treatment during operation and maintenance

3.7 Control failure check


4.1 Basis of section

4.2 Demonstration of ALARP

5 Application of safety management

5.1 Basis of section

5.2 SMS inputs and outputs

5.2.1 SMS inputs

5.2.2 SMS outputs

5.3 Multi-pipeline systems

5.4 Design and construction

5.4.1 SMS plan

5.4.2 Preliminary design SMS

5.4.3 Front end engineering design SMS

5.4.4 Detailed design SMS

5.4.5 Pressure test design SMS

5.4.6 Pre-construction review SMS

5.4.7 Construction changes revision SMS

5.4.8 Review prior to commissioning

5.5 Existing pipelines

5.5.1 Periodic operational review

5.5.2 Land use change SMS

5.5.3 Encroachment SMS

5.5.4 Change of operating conditions SMS

5.5.5 Failure event SMS

5.6 Safety management requirements summary

Appendix A

Appendix B

B1 General

B2 Full bore rupture of gas pipeline

B3 Leak from gas pipeline

B4 Liquid hydrocarbon pipelines

B5 High vapour pressure liquids

Appendix C

C1 Scope

C2 Elements of a threat

C3 Repetitive features

C4 Finding threats

C4.1 General

C4.2 Land user survey

C4.3 Aerial or satellite imagery

C4.4 Field personnel

C4.5 Operational experience

C4.6 Checklists and precedent documents

C5 Relevance and credibility

C6 Threat categories

C6.1 External interference

C6.2 Corrosion

C6.3 Natural events

C6.4 Faults in design, materials or construction

C6.5 Threats related to operational, maintenance and management systems

C6.6 Intentional damage

C6.7 Miscellaneous

Appendix D

D1 Introduction

D2 Definition of threats

D3 External interference protection design or assessment

D4 Above ground pipelines

Appendix E

E1 General

E2 Effectiveness of procedural controls

E3 Causes of failure of procedural controls

E4 Liaison

E4.1 General

E4.2 Landowner liaison

E4.3 Third-party liaison

E5 Third-party awareness programs

E6 One-call services

E7 Marking

E7.1 Pipeline markers

E7.2 Buried marker tape

E8 Agreements with other entities

E9 Planning notification zones

E10 Patrolling and surveillance

E11 Remote instrusion monitoring

Appendix F

F1 General

F2 Suggested process

F3 Historical Australian failure rates

F4 Ignition probability

F5 Limitations for encroachment works

F6 Example of frequency estimation

F7 References

Appendix G

G1 General

G2 Safety

G3 Supply

G4 Environment

G5 Consequence and frequency scenarios

G6 Escalation

Appendix H

H1 What is high consequence recognition?

H2 When is high consequence recognition required?

H3 Recognition of consequences

Appendix I

I1 Where does ALARP come from?

I2 What does it mean now?

I3 When does this standard require formal ALARP assessment?

I4 How should ALARP be formally assessed?

I5 How can formal ALARP assessment be done in practice?

Appendix J

J1 Introduction

J2 Integrity review concepts

J2.1 General

J2.2 Approval

J2.3 Specific information for specific threats

J2.4 Effective controls

J2.5 Positive confirmation

J3 Integrity checking

J3.1 General

J3.2 Methodology

J3.3 Personnel

J3.4 Data and documentation
