AS 7717:2016

Original price was: $193.00.Current price is: $96.00.

Signal Testing and Commissioning

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This Standard is intended to provide a common framework for Rail Transport Operators (RTOs) to plan and execute the inspection, testing and commissioning of new and altered signalling infrastructure.
The concepts within this Standard are intended to be applied throughout any railway signalling project, both in the context of a railway signalling and control system project, and during the operating life of the system.
This Standard is intended to be applied to railway signalling works and to specify the following –
• the minimum sufficient inspection & testing requirements to assure the safety of the system;
• appropriate test procedures to ensure consistency in testing and results;
• minimum documentation necessary to ensure a comprehensive record of test results, to demonstrate the safety of the system;
• appropriate processes to plan the inspection and testing to ensure that all necessary testing is completed, including unexpected changes and events.