About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Objective
1.3 Application
1.4 Referenced documents
1.5 Definitions
1.6 Cooperation between road authorities and rail infrastructure managers
1.7 Restricted access road vehicles
2 Signs, devices and assemblies—Description and use
2.1 General
2.2 Passive control devices
2.2.1 Railway crossing give-way assembly (RX-1)
2.2.2 Railway crossing stop assembly (RX-2)
2.2.3 Railway crossing ahead—Passive control (W7-7, RX-10)
2.2.4 Railway crossing diagrammatic warning assemblies (RX-2-1, RX-3-2 and RX-3-3)
2.2.5 Railway crossing on side road assembly (RX-4)
2.2.6 Diagrammatic warning signs, on side road (W7-12, W7-13, W7-17)
2.2.7 Stop Sign Ahead (W3-1)
2.3 Active control devices
2.3.1 Railway crossing flashing signal assembly (RX-5)
2.3.2 Railway crossing gate position sign assembly (RX-6)
2.3.3 Railway Crossing Flashing Signals Ahead sign (W7-4)
2.3.4 Railway gate (W7-15)
2.3.5 Railway crossing flashing signals ahead on side road assembly (RX-7)
2.3.6 Railway crossing gate on side road assembly (RX-8)
2.3.7 Active advance warning assembly (RX-11)
2.3.8 Boom barrier General description and placement Design Preventing misuse
2.3.9 Traffic signals at light rail/tramway crossings
2.4 Devices used at either active or passive control crossings
2.4.1 (Distance) m (W8-5)
2.4.2 Railway crossing width marker assembly (RX-9)
2.4.3 Chevron alignment marker (D4-6)
2.4.4 KEEP TRACKS CLEAR (G9-67-1, G9-67-2)
2.4.5 TRAMWAY CROSSING position (R6-26)
3 Pavement markings
3.1 General
3.2 Railway crossing pavement marking (RAIL X)
3.3 Stop line
3.4 Give-way line
3.5 No-overtaking lines
3.6 Yellow box markings
4 Application of signs and markings to railway crossings
4.1 General
4.2 Passive control treatments
4.2.1 Control by GIVE WAY and STOP signs
4.2.2 Minimum treatment crossings
4.2.3 Inadequate sight distance for passive control
4.3 Active control treatments
4.3.1 Flashing signals
4.3.2 Railway crossing gates
4.4 Modified treatments
4.4.1 Railway crossing on side road
4.4.2 Crossings in low speed urban environments
4.4.3 Ports and terminals
4.5 Temporary and emergency control
4.6 Railway line not in use
4.7 Railway line closed
5 Avoidance of traffic queuing on crossings
5.1 Identifying the problem
5.2 Eliminating the problem
5.3 Managing the problem
5.4 Short stacking
6 Pedestrian and bicycle treatments at railway crossings
6.1 General
6.2 Hierarchy of control
6.3 Crossing elements—Design and performance requirements
6.3.1 Sight distance at passive control crossings
6.3.2 Provision and alignment of footpaths
6.3.3 Footpath requirements
6.3.4 Pedestrian enclosures—Functional requirements
6.3.5 Pedestrian enclosures—Design elements
6.4 Pedestrian holding markings
6.5 Signs and signals
6.5.1 LOOK FOR TRAINS, (number) TRACKS, (W7-14-4); LOOK FOR TRAINS (W7-14-5)
6.5.3 Red symbolic standing pedestrian signal assembly (RX-12)
6.5.5 Audible signals
6.5.6 Emergency escape gate signs
6.6 Facilities for bicycles
Appendix A
A1 Scope
A2 General
A3 Means of illumination
A4 Means of reflectorization
A5 Special requirements for signs at crossings
Appendix B
B1 Scope
B2 Uniformity of location
B2.1 General
B2.2 Longitudinal placement
B2.3 Lateral placement and height
B2.3.1 General
B2.3.2 Lateral placement—Rural
B2.3.3 Lateral placement—Urban
B2.3.4 Height—Rural
B2.3.5 Height—Urban
B2.3.6 Overhead mounting
B2.3.7 Signs at pedestrian facilities
B2.4 Tolerances on positioning
B3 Installation
Appendix C
C1 Scope
C2 Size of signs
C3 General principles for size selection
Appendix D
D1 General
D2 Control device visibility requirement—All crossing types
D3 Stopping and safe start-up at a passive control crossing
D4 Passive control crossings controlled by GIVE WAY signs—Approach visibility
D5 Sighting angles
D6 Vehicle deceleration factors
Appendix E
E1 General
E2 Guides for use
E3 Location and operational timing
E3.1 General
E3.2 Sight distance to stopped queues
Appendix F
Amendment control sheet
AS 1742.7:2016
Amendment No. 1 (2019)
Revised text