AS 1742.14:2014

Original price was: $117.00.Current price is: $58.00.

Manual of uniform traffic control devices, Part 14: Traffic signals

File Format: PDF

Specifies the type and layout of signals, aspects and displays to be used at locations controlled by traffic signals including overhead lane control devices. Basic requirements for signs and pavement markings to be used in conjunction with AS 1742.2, are also given. It does not cover railway level crossing signals nor portable traffic signals, which are covered in AS 4191.


About this publication


1 Scope and general

1.1 Scope

1.2 Referenced documents

1.3 Definitions

2 Description of signal displays

2.1 General

2.2 Steady displays for vehicles

2.2.1 Circle displays

2.2.2 Arrow displays at intersections

2.2.3 Overhead lane control displays (not at intersections)

2.3 Flashing displays

2.3.1 Flashing yellow circle

2.3.2 Flashing yellow arrow

2.3.3 Flash cycle

2.4 Pedestrian displays

2.5 Bicycle displays

2.6 Public transport and emergency vehicle displays

2.6.1 Symbol types

2.6.2 Purpose of displays

3 Arrangement of signal aspects

3.1 General principles

3.2 Signal face layouts at intersections

3.3 Signal face layouts for public transport and emergency vehicle control

3.4 Signal face layouts for overhead lane control devices

3.5 Sign alternatives for non-changing aspects

3.6 Signal face layouts for pedestrian and bicycle control

3.7 Two-aspect signal faces

3.8 Sequence of signal displays

3.8.1 Vehicle signal faces

3.8.2 Two aspect pedestrian and bicycle signal faces

4 Location of signal faces

4.1 General

4.1.1 Application

4.1.2 Designation and function

4.1.3 Positioning of secondary and tertiary signal faces

4.1.4 Overhead signal faces

4.2 Signal face locations at intersections

4.2.1 General

4.2.2 Circle aspects

4.2.3 Turn arrow aspects

4.2.4 Pedestrian aspects

4.2.5 Bicycle aspects

4.3 Signal face locations at mid-block pedestrian crossings

5 Design and installation of signal equipment

5.1 Design and size of aspect

5.2 Lantern mounting height

5.3 Target boards

5.4 Aiming and shielding of lanterns

5.5 Visors and louvres

5.5.1 Visors

5.5.2 Louvres

5.6 Pedestrian push buttons

5.7 Cyclist push buttons

6 Signs, pavement markings and geometric requirements

6.1 Signs

6.1.1 General

6.1.2 Application

6.1.3 Illuminated signs

6.2 Pavement markings

6.2.1 Stop lines

6.2.2 Pedestrian crosswalks

6.2.3 Intersection arrows

6.2.4 Turn lines

6.3 Sight distance to signals

7 Special situations

7.1 Signals for emergency service facilities

7.2 Advance warning traffic signal sign assemblies

7.2.1 General

7.2.2 Design and operation

7.2.3 Location and installation

7.3 Ramp metering signals

7.4 Roundabout metering signals

7.5 Left turn on red after stopping

Appendix A

Amendment control sheet

AS 1742.14:2014

Amendment No. 1 (2019)

Revised text amendment

Amendment No. 2 (2021)

Revised text amendment