About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Approval
1.3 Application
1.4 Retrospective application
1.5 Normative references
1.6 Definitions
1.7 Abbreviations
2 Pipeline management system
2.1 Basis of section
2.2 Pipeline management system elements
2.2.1 General
2.2.2 Management Policy and commitment Management structure Responsibilities, accountabilities and authorities Training and competency Resourcing Change management Management review
2.2.3 Planning General Planning for normal operation Planning and preparation for abnormal operations Emergency planning and preparation
2.2.4 Implementation
2.2.5 Measurement and evaluation General Data acquisition and analysis Accident/incident investigation and reporting System audits Corrective and preventive action
2.2.6 Consultation, communication and reporting
3 Preparation for operation
3.1 Basis of Section
3.2 Prerequistes
3.3 Readiness for operation
3.4 Handover to operations
3.5 Delayed commencement of operation
4 Site safety and environmental management
4.1 Basis of Section
4.2 Work hours and fatigue
4.3 Remote travel
4.4 First aid requirements
4.4.1 Assessment
4.4.2 Procedures
4.5 Job hazard analysis (JHA)
4.5.1 General
4.5.2 Preliminary JHAS
4.5.3 On-site JHAS
4.6 Permit to work (PTW) system
4.6.1 General
4.6.2 Control processes
4.6.3 Communication and control
4.7 Environmental management
4.7.1 General
4.7.2 Pipeline corridor management
4.7.3 Noise emissions
4.7.4 Heritage sites
4.7.5 Water management
4.7.6 Waste management
4.7.7 Spill prevention and response
4.8 Fluid hazards
4.9 Venting and purging pipelines
4.9.1 General
4.9.2 Working on purged pipelines
4.9.3 Purging an hvpl General Hydrocarbon liquid phase purging operations Gas phase purging operation
4.9.4 Trapped hydrocarbon
4.10 Working on live pipelines—specific requirements and guidance
4.10.1 Site set-up and control
4.10.2 Tunnels, shafts and casing
4.10.3 Electrical safety
4.10.4 Welding onto an in-service pipeline Welding Monitoring of operating conditions Resumption of normal operation
4.10.5 Working on pipelines where fluid is escaping
4.10.6 Hot-tapping operations
5 Pipeline integrity management
5.1 Basis of section
5.2 Pipeline integrity management process
5.3 Review of pipeline integrity management plan (PIMP)
6 Pipeline structural integrity
6.1 Basis of section
6.2 Structural integrity management overview
6.3 Pipeline operation and control
6.3.1 General
6.3.2 Operating parameters
6.4 Pipeline corrosion protection
6.4.1 General
6.4.2 Corrosion mitigation strategy
6.4.3 Pipeline coating systems General Above-ground pipework Below-ground pipework Coating maintenance strategy
6.4.4 Pipeline cathodic protection system
6.4.5 Other corrosion mitigation measures
6.4.6 Corrosion monitoring and remediation
6.5 Pipe wall integrity
6.6 Inspection activities
6.6.1 General
6.6.2 Frequency of inspection assessment
6.6.3 Leak detection
6.7 Maintenance plan—pipeline
7 External interference management
7.1 Basis of Section
7.2 External interference
7.3 Third-party pipeline awareness
7.3.1 Community and stakeholder awareness
7.3.2 Land use planning General Landowner and occupier liaison Emergency services liaison
7.3.3 Pipeline marking
7.4 External interference detection
7.4.1 Pipeline patrolling
7.4.2 Patrol of pipeline
7.4.3 ‘Dial before you dig’ or ‘one call’ services
7.5 External interference control
7.5.1 Controlling activities near pipelines
7.5.2 Placement of material on or near the pipeline
7.5.3 Power and telephone poles, fencing, seismic and land disturbance activities
7.5.4 Vegetation on and near the pipeline
7.5.5 Encroachment/location class
7.5.6 Vehicle load limits
7.5.7 Access to the pipeline easement
7.5.8 Explosives
7.5.9 Licensee’s activities
8 Stations operations and maintenance
8.1 Basis of Section
8.2 Safety of critical equipment
8.3 Pressure vessels
8.4 Station operational checks
8.5 Station structural integrity
8.6 Compressor and pump stations
8.7 Maintenance plan
8.8 Station local control systems
8.9 Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)
8.10 Site security
8.11 Station equipment and components
8.11.1 General
8.11.2 Above-ground valves
8.11.3 Pipe supports
8.11.4 Ground entry locations
8.11.5 Pig trap inspection and maintenance
8.11.6 Tunnels and valve pits
8.11.7 Structures housing equipment
9 Anomaly assessment and defect repair
9.1 Basis of Section
9.2 Direct assessment
9.2.1 General
9.2.2 Personnel
9.3 Initial assessment and remedial action
9.4 Pipe wall anomaly assessment
9.4.1 General
9.4.2 Anomaly types Corrosion anomalies Interaction of corrosion anomalies Gouges, grooves and notches Dents and buckles Pipe body surface cracks Environmentally assisted cracking Anomalies on field welds and seam welds Anomalies on fibreglass pipelines
9.5 Fitness for purpose (FFP) level assessment
9.5.1 General
9.5.2 Anomaly degradation rates
9.5.3 Pre-level assessment
9.5.4 Level 1 Assessment
9.5.5 Level 2 Assessment
9.5.6 Level 3 Assessment
9.6 Assessment of ILI results
9.7 Inspection tolerances
9.8 Maximum operating pressure (MOP) restriction
9.9 Pipeline repairs
9.9.1 General
9.9.2 Repair strategy Initial response Repair strategy considerations
9.9.3 Permanent repairs
9.10 Repair methods
9.10.1 General
9.10.2 Replacement
9.10.3 Grinding
9.10.4 Weld deposition repair
9.10.5 Repair sleeves
9.10.6 Bolt-on clamp
9.10.7 Qualification of non-typical repair methods
10 Change of operating conditions and remaining life review
10.1 Basis of Section
10.2 Change of operating conditions
10.2.1 Design conditions changes
10.2.2 MAOP verification or upgrade by pressure testing
10.2.3 Pipeline modifications
10.2.4 Review of pressure-control and over-pressure protection systems Pressure control systems Over-pressure protection systems
10.2.5 Review of location classes
10.2.6 Review of safety management study
10.2.7 Operation of A Suspended pipeline
10.2.8 MOP adjustment
10.3 Remaining life review
10.4 Refurbishment
10.5 Pipeline failure
10.6 Abandoning A Pipeline
10.6.1 General
10.6.2 Abandonment in place
10.6.3 Abandonment by removal
10.6.4 Abandonment of above-ground pipelines
10.6.5 Additional requirements for abandonment
10.6.6 Abandonment records
11 Emergency response
11.1 Basis of Section
11.2 Emergency response plan (ERP)
12 Records management
12.1 Basis of Section
12.2 Design, construction and commissioning records
12.3 Operation and maintenance records
12.4 Abandonment records
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
D.1 Scope
D.2 General
D.3 Plans
D.4 Procedures
Appendix E
E.1 Documenting A Pipeline management system
E.2 Objectives of A Safety case