About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Objective
1.3 Referenced documents
1.4 Definitions
2 Speed management
2.1 General
2.1.1 Objective of speed management
2.1.2 General principles
2.2 Types of speed limit
2.2.1 Default speed limits
2.2.2 Speed zones
2.3 Speed zone establishment
2.3.1 General
2.3.2 Primary determination of speed limit
2.3.3 Permitted adjustments to speed limits
2.3.4 Length of a linear speed zone
2.3.5 Speed limit buffers
2.3.6 Offset speed zones
3 Speed limit signs and markings
3.1 Speed limit signs
3.1.1 General
3.1.2 Signs for linear speed zones and default speed limits
3.1.3 Signs for area speed zones
3.1.4 Signs for school zones
3.1.5 Signs for shared zones
3.1.6 Signs for bridges and service roads
3.2 Sign application
3.2.1 General
3.2.2 Default urban and default rural speed limits
3.2.3 Linear speed zones
3.2.4 Area speed zones
3.2.5 School zones
3.2.6 Shared zones
3.2.7 Repeater signs
3.2.8 Sign size
3.3 Conflict with advisory speed signs
3.4 Pavement markings
3.5 Variable speed limits
Appendix A
A1 Scope
A2 Roadside development
A3 Road characteristics
A3.1 Alignment
A3.2 Road access
A3.3 Intersections
A3.4 Road hazards
A4 Traffic characteristics
A4.1 Traffic pattern
A4.2 Pedestrians
Appendix B
B1 Scope
B2 General
B3 Means of illumination
B4 Means of reflectorization
Appendix C
C1 Scope
C2 Uniformity of location
C2.1 General
C2.2 Longitudinal placement
C2.3 Lateral placement and height
C2.3.1 General
C2.3.2 Lateral placement—rural
C2.3.3 Lateral placement—urban
C2.3.4 Height—rural
C2.3.5 Height—urban
C2.3.6 Overhead mounting
C3 Sign orientation