About this publication
1 Scope and general
1.1 Scope
1.2 Objective
1.3 Application
1.4 Referenced documents
1.5 Definitions
1.6 National code of practice
1.7 General principles
1.8 Relationship to investigations by other agencies
1.9 Involvement of other parties
1.10 Independence of the investigating team
2 Investigation procedure
2.1 Summary of the investigation process
2.2 Preservation of evidence
2.3 Level of investigation
2.4 Selecting and appointing investigators
2.4.1 Working with single and multiple authorities
2.4.2 Skills and knowledge
2.4.3 Independence of the investigator
2.4.4 Conflict of interest
2.5 Terms of reference
2.5.1 Responsibility and general requirements
2.5.2 Contents
2.6 Establishing and conducting the investigation
2.6.1 Resources
2.6.2 Legislative provisions
2.6.3 Collection of evidence
2.6.4 Document identification and collection
2.6.5 Interview of participants
2.6.6 Rules of evidence
2.6.7 Information analysis
2.7 Proposing safety actions
2.8 Concluding the investigation
2.9 Reporting
2.9.1 Reporting levels
2.9.2 Reporting sequence
2.10 Management review and close-out
2.10.1 Management review
2.10.2 Close-out
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C